They aren’t good people.
They’re not sending their best.
Congress. They’re sending their criminals, their rapists. I assume some are good people.
And she’s the secretary for homeland security of all things now?..
Ok, news break! The President of the US is the most obvious foreign actor the country has ever had. This is like if Benedict Arnold was actually President while trying to overthrow the government, then running again and winning. His main goal is to weaken the US as much as possible for his daddy, Putin. If this appointment surprised you, get ready. It’s gonna get a lot worse.
Wait, I was just told by a mod of World News that this is speculation and I have schizophrenia if I assume Trump has blackmail on Putin, despite linking American Kompromat by Unger, Active Measures documentary, and Fire&Fury podcast Epstein Episodes by Michael Wolff
“less than useless”
Hey, that’s the same type of language my mother use against me, a human being…
And just like your mother, she’s wrong and doesn’t deserve what she spurned.
She “dragged him” to the gravel pit and killed him with two shots, having to go back to the house to reload after she botched the first attempt.
A pure untrainable idiot, through and through.
he didn’t trust herself
Shooting a hunting dog for hunting, in a state with plenty of hunters that would take it, is messed up, especially messing it up.
Interesting how these types of people seem to have a set of phrases with their own fixed meanings that don’t necessarily correspond to the literal meanings of the words that make them up. “Can’t trust the government” in this context really means “can’t trust liberals/progressives”. You can see that in her response if you watch the video. She’s not stumped when the reporter points out the apparent contradiction. She expect everyone to make the same mental substitution, under which there is no contradiction.
Another good example is a 5 minute youtube video about homelessness from a fake university with an orange logo. They cite an example of a bridge between Los Angeles and Culver City that has a major homeless encampment on one side, but not the other, due to different laws in the two cities. To quote directly:
the Los Angeles side is full of tents and the Culver City side is empty. Why? Because the two cities have different public policies. Los Angeles has effectively decriminalized public camping and drug consumption while Culver City enforces the law.
If Los Angeles has no law against homelessness, then what law is it supposedly failing to enforce? This seems like a contradiction, until you realize that “Culver City enforces the law” has nothing to do with actual laws, but with the “law” of the moral framework that the authors are trying to propagandize.
if LA has no law
They didn’t claim their was no law, they said they decriminalized it. Which means it’s still illegal but unenforced by criminal charges, just like weed is decriminalized in many states but still federally illegal.
I don’t disagree with you that people put out bullshit but… Can we not put out bullshit to prove it?
ETA: Italics
You’re largely correct, “decriminalized” doesn’t mean it’s legal, but I just wanted to point out that it doesn’t necessarily mean unenforced. Just that it’s no longer a criminal charge. Something can be decriminalized and still be in violation of the law and enforced with fines or other deterrents, e.g. traffic violations. You’re not a criminal for speeding, it’s still illegal and enforced.
Thank you for that correction!
Video of the exchange:
Holy shit, I wasn’t expecting it to be word for word the same. Wow…
Points for honesty… I guess?
To be fair, it was like 2 overlapping conversations interrupting each other.
Still, though, she can go fuck off.
“We’ll be continuing to talk to him about what he has access to”
Thats what you do before you give them access. Who is she and what is her position of authority? Something tells me i dont want to know.
Her second [autobiography], No Going Back (2024), ignited controversy over her description of killing a young family dog.
Oh, it’s her.
You can see it in her eyes. The look of “I tortured small animals as a kid and felt nothing”.
“Then I continued to torture animals as an adult and felt nothing. Maybe the MAGA train will let me torture brown people, so that I can see if I feel anything.”
That hurts.
Wow CNN “journalists” really can’t interview worth a damn.
In equally current news, that Back to the Future sequel looks very promising!
Elon Musk is part of the administration that is helping us identify where we can find…savings.
I wonder what she almost said
Everybody can reply
Pictures taken moments before diaaster.
It’s Bluesky, not x
They need to stop hitting themselves in the face with the ugly stick. Holy shit.
Is there a name for this phenomenon for when people start to look inbred due to having all of the terrible plastic surgery? It’s like the Habsburg jaw but within a single generation because the deformity wasn’t a product of breeding.
Brian Posehn called it “Hot Girl Down Syndrome” several years ago on a special. While I understand that is problematic, it’s so spot on it does work as a fantastic shorthand.
My boy posehn got Nickelback all but removed from the airwaves.
I missed this! Spill the tea if you got links.
You haven’t heard about the origin of the Nickelback reveal? Basically Brian posehn made one short little bit. And he had been on stuff before but want (and still isn’t) exactly famous. But that one bit went viral back in the day and people were drawn back, analyzed it and realized collectively that he was right and they sucked.
Haha. Nope, somehow that flew past my radar.
Like 15 years ago or so?
Lemmy just cannot resist ableism, but ignoring ableism is ez peasy ig
Im so using this! Ha!
Laminated face ~ Bill Burr
It depends on what you’re trying to criticize, and understanding that would take some willingness to learn.
Dead eye expressions and facial expressions = botox. Botox paralyzes. Over time this can ofc cause muscle wasting leading to volume loss.
Once the volume loss sets in, the esthetician recommends hyaluronic acid fillers usually. We naturally have hyaluronic acid in our skin, but older fillers were made of types of hyaluronic acid that were lumpier and harder. Now, we have many new strategies for inserting hyaluronic acid in the face including microneedling which is more diffuse, and fillers that aren’t as lumpy and don’t migrate as much.
Fillers migrates because when you move your face, you squish the filler and other extracellular fluids around. When your skin and connective tissue is repairing itself well, this is nbd. When we are older, our skin becomes more efficient and so it doesn’t repair these fluid pathways as much, doesn’t have enough collagen and material to do so. This causes insulin, estrogen, blood supply, etc, to form in pockets (often next to the wrinkle, eg jowls, 11 lines, marionette lines, have bulges around the wrinkle) and also squish away from these compressed areas, leading to more collagen loss and eventually forming wrinkles.
So they paralyze the muscle to avoid that, leading to volume loss… you see where I’m going with this? They put their facial muscles in a vegetative state and then plump the skin above it to look like muscle, accelerating aging and making things a little worse. Although I will say technically hyaluronic acid is supposed to help the skin itself stay young looking and is even a treatment for certain bladder diseases and injuries. It just looks so uncanny valley, especially when they talk, because it’s not their natural muscle like we expect.
Then there’s looking plastic itself with other procedures, but most people aren’t clocking these too much. Tom Brady’s recent transformation is a good example, or pretty much any celeb buccal fat surgery is hard for people to clock. Upper blephs are another one that are hard for people to pinpoint, eg Pamela Anderson, Miley Cyrus. And subtle nose jobs are pretty much unclockable for many people too.
I’m trying to criticize basically all of the women Trump goons. Most of them wind up looking like the glamour shot version of “Mob Wives”.
Oh that’s just called MAGA makeup or MAGA face and it’s been trending on other socials for a while. Girls have been doing makeup looks making fun of it and asking people to guess. It’s been going on for so long the Trump girls have started to try to do it, and then be like, “surprise! I was MAGA the whole time and you didn’t know so this trend was stupid!” But the ones going viral are the bad makeup ones where you indeed could tell the whole time, so it’s pretty funny. It’s like millions of views on these videos, it’s been trending.
Lara Trump isn’t just a bad makeup job. Kimberly Guilfoyle isn’t either. Lara Loomer kinda has it too, and this lady definitely has it.
Kari Lake has the same look going on to an extent…and because they look so awful they get people to shoot them with this weirdo soft lighting.
Yes, it’s filler and muscle wasting, see my original post.
But that’s not strictly a MAGA thing, so people tend to not say much about filler face. Or it’s seen as too mean to say something.
There’s also blurring makeup that has a weird effect on cameras that is being used too.
I’m not sure I need to know the technical details to see the obviously terrible result, but I appreciate the education anyway. It never hurts to become a little more educated. Cheers!
Her nickname is Branches.
When someone tells you who they are, listen.
We can’t trust the government now. We couldn’t trust it before either, but we also can’t trust it now.
The sad thing is, there actually used to be some areas in which you could trust the government. You could trust the CDC for health information, the FDIC with your money, the FDA for food regulations, the USPS to deliver your mail…
Nowadays, everything good about government will be getting axed and everything bad amplified. But what can you do~
But what can you do
I used to not trust the government.
I still do not trust the government, but I used to, too.If there’s a Covid-25, I wouldn’t recommend getting a vaccine from this government. Not without a consensus approval from blue state governments.
I would wait for a Canada or EU approved vaccine.
Will they require people to be vaccinated to travel if they’re explicitly traveling there to be vaccinated?
Fun question. Unfortunately, I assume yes. They used to check your vaccination status before granting you entry at the border/airport.
What with how Trump is pulling out of WHO and deregulating the chicken industry, if the avian flu becomes transmissible to humans, it will make COVID-19 look like childsplay. At which point things may get so dire vaccine hesitancy is likely to get you killed, and I’d probably recommend a quick plane trip to Canada to get vaccinated, if that’s even still an option…
I’d be surprised if they offered any vaccine.
Oh, you won’t have to worry about that. With RFK Jr. running things, there won’t be a vaccine.
Well, it won’t be Covid-25, it’ll be H5N1 bird flu, which so far has a mortality rate of 50%-60% in people and damn near 100% in birds and 70% in cats. Covid-19 was around 1% and killed millions.
Even if bird flu is more around 30%, that’s an insane number.
The bird flu vaccine has mostly been developed and iirc is available in some European countries. We have a vaccine here too but it hasn’t gone to trial.
If you get that vaccine or not may very well be life or death.
To be fair, if the death rate is like 50%, anti-maskers won’t be so anti-mask for long.
You know how religious people always say stuff like “There are no atheists in a foxhole” or some bs like that? (I hate that phrase btw) I’d say “There are no virus-deniers in a pandemic with 50+% death rate, and people arouns you are dropping dead en-masse on the street.” Survival instincts and fear will overide whatever conspiracy theories they have. People would be self quarrantining.
I predict some riots and people both left and right of the political spectrum would storm white house.
Also: It’d actually be over much quicker. Probably over in a month (with billions dead worldwide, obviously).
Herman Cain Award will prove you wrong, along w people believing this is like Moses and the mark on the door - they won’t think they will die from it. There are just people who cannot acknowledge reality.
Lemme tell you something. My brother who is a Democrat (who probably voted Harris), is also into those anti-vax conspiracy theories. He does wear a mask, so that’s a step up from the right wingers, but he says because covid has less than 1% death rate, he won’t get vaccinated. Idk wtf lol 🤷♂️
He stepped on a nail at work and still went to the hospital to get the tentanus shot aka a vaccine. So I guess the fear of tentnus overrode whaever conspiracy theories lol.
(idk if i spell tentnus correctly, but i’m too lazy to spell check)
You especially can’t trust it now.
We can trust that they will do the absolute worst thing instead of not knowing if they will or won’t!
Very true.
Is it just me or does anyone else have to fight the urge to be horribly misogynistic to these Trump worshippers? I always fall back to my gender-neutral profanity (such as “Trump’s shit-guzzler”) but I just feel a deep rooted desire to be as maximally offensive to and about MAGA cultists and enablers as humanly possible. I know it’s lazy but I mean if anyone deserves to be insulted in the most extreme way possible it’s these creatures.
It’s fine, you can call her a cunt
Nah, she lacks the depth and warmth.
Call her a Nazi.
Unless you’re Australian, then it might be seen as a term of endearment.
Its fine, just preface it with shit. Shit cunts are not thought of highly
The Aussie term for people like her is a fucking dog cunt.
I genuinely love Australian cursing.
Hilarious that you think the OP would label calling a woman a bitch or cunt as misogyny. He clearly means worse.
Some people believe using gender-specific insults over gender-indifferent insults implies hatred of that gender. I’m not one of them, but OP might’ve encountered some and thus has become more reluctant in his/her use of language
Why are you running interference for a self declared misogynist? Why are you making up hypotheticals for them?
Don’t let them bring you down to their level. There’s so many fun gender neutral insults.
- ASVAB waiver
- Middle School Drop Out
- Failed Abortion
- Incest Experiment
- Good Idea Fairy
- Shit Fucker
- Couch Fucker <-- Thank you JD Vance!
- Two Balls Short of a Spine
- A family tree with no branches
- Couldn’t fight/talk their way out of a wet cardboard box
I mean really, there’s just so many.
or better yet, Shakespeare Insult Generator!
- Thou paunchy clapper-clawed boar-pig
- You fobbing nut-hook carbuncle!
- You paunch bilbo wag!
- mew fut barnacle!
- fawn bully angel!
Oh thank you, I’ve been looking for that! For totally not Bardly DnD reasons…
DND with Shakespeare insults would be hilarious. My DM playing a single sound effect on his phone was enough to end the session for 5 minutes of laughs
All I have to say is Vicious Mockery is back on the menu,
- Shit Fucker
Which of these words should I emphasise? Or would either work?
Oh either works.
Or both
If you must give up your values then you might as well give them up in exchange for something in return. In this case you get nothing in return which is why I too recommend using gender-neutral insults.
They’re literal traitors to the United States of America that are attempting to dismantle its government, causing unimaginable suffering.
They deserve a lot more than being called mean names.
It’s not mean names, it’s engaging in the EXACT rhetoric that erodes rights in the first place. Look at Pearl Davis, she’s been advocating for women to loss the right to vote - she’s rightwing and you’re AGREEING with her.
Nevermind that the VAST MAJORITY of women didn’t vote for Trump. So engaging in misogyny which erodes and removes their rights actually helps Trump and makes you a Trumper in terms of effect.
Like why are you punishing all women for this unless you just simply hate women and wanted to do it in the first place? And you all act shocked about 4B movement lol
That doesn’t sound too strange. Sometimes I want to use “f****t” as an insult, but I don’t, because that would be homophobic and I’m not homophobic
I accidentally used cock sucker as an insult but I meant it in the billionaire-cock sucker, not the way it used to be used. There’s nothing wrong with sucking dicks, but if you suck the dicks of billionaires then you’re a problem. Still I recognize how it could have been taken and felt badly.
“bootlicker” seems to be the accepted term for people like that. But I can see how you would want an insult that’s more vulgar.
You’re not going to be able to put them in their place better than they do for themselves already. Save the effort IMO.
Although, that being said… I have no issues with any kinda of
verbalantagonism towards fascists. If a woman is a nazi, and we’re all saying it’s ok to punch nazis; is it ok to punch a nazi woman? I say yes.Yes but you’re doing the punching on the basis of them being a nazi, not of them being a woman
Yeah but Nazis were also misogynists, and misogynistic speech IS Nazi speech. So engaging in gender fascism isn’t really how we combat fascism. Op could talk about feminism with these women and be far more effective- but that would mean OP would have to learn about and support feminism and its clear he is against that.
Words have meanings you know… “gender fascism” is nonsensical.
Gender fascism isn’t nonsensical. Demanding genders must be a certain way, gender determinism, is indeed policing gender in a way that enforces misogyny and cishet normativity. Gender fascism can be transphobia, misogyny, or a belief in a strict gender binary.
That’s why Nazis, the Uber fascists, were also gender fascists.
They were also racial fascists. White supremacy is racial fascism.
What does any of this have to do with punching nazis?
Misogynists are gender fascists. Nazis are gender fascists. You can fight Nazis with feminism.
They want you to lower yourself to their level. Wrestling pigs just gets you muddy. Please call them out though, it is important work.
Taking the high road has really been working out for us!
Might have our faces in the dirt but we can feel good about being the better person!Sure, but being sexist or misogynistic doesn’t actually help us. Getting dirty and stooping low in political ways though, to save the country from an authoritarian nazi regime? Yes, please.
Nobody said anything about taking the high road…
Actually, no, and I’m an arsehole. I guess I learned something about myself today.
Let your long repressed impulses run free
No, I don’t actually feel a need to resort to something I find immoral to hurt others, this is horrible of you to say
But I’ve known that the misogyny is very prevalent on Lemmy, you all never needed the excuse of “MAGA” to be sexist in the first place.
Like what excuse would it take for you to start espousing feminist rhetoric? Have you EVER done so? Why wouldn’t you just say feminist things to them, since that would literally be combating their viewpoints?
Really it just seems like you’re kink roleplaying with them without any awareness.
Kristi noem isn’t even a bootlicker for the conservatives, she’s just stupid. I’ve seen her some of her interviews defending the tariffs and she has no idea what she’s talking about.
You also can’t ignore her cowboy hat in this interview
I’m sure there are some smart people in South Dakota.
She’s not one of them.
Timmy Williams and then ???
They have a good university program for agriculture. Friend went there and now works in agricultural finance
She reminds me of one of those robots that they’re working on to become more lifelike. Maybe one day.
Literal, actual retards are running the show now.
Placed there by literal, actual retarded Americans.
Wild that our country became so pathetic.
It would be great if you could avoid using ableist slurs to refer to people you don’t like
How else should you describe them?
Take your pick — There’s a whole world of insults that don’t involve punching down at marginalised groups. I realise that may sound hyperbolic, but I say it because I’m someone who is sometimes the recipient of that slur, and it’s jarring to see it in spaces like this. I know that in this case, it wasn’t at me, but a key part of why insults like this carry weight is because of the comparison it makes to people like me (even if only implicitly).
My hope is that we might be more creative with our insults when solidarity is our best weapon against these assholes
I understand what you’re saying, and I agree.
That being said, most people don’t know how to throw a punch. To the degree that many people need to be told not to hold their thumbs in their fist. They aren’t concerned with the collateral damage, to themselves or otherwise - they’re just throwing the punch.
I’m not saying it’s right, but this is the reality. These people have never been trained to recognize the value of articulating themselves correctly, or maybe they have but they’ve been in the monkey pit for so long that they just learned how to fling shit as a defense mechanism.
I don’t think you’re wrong in advocating for the abolishment of certain words, or rather the uses of those words. I do think you’re pissin in the wind, though.
I do think you’re pissin in the wind, though.
You may be right, but hope has gotten me much farther than defeatism has. And I’ve never been clinging so desperately to hope as now, when the US is being governed by such abominable lickspittles. (I confess that my previous comment about creativity in insults caused me to be a bit extra here).
Besides, I’ve had plenty of times when I’ve been foolish and saying things that I didn’t realise were harmful. Humans are incredibly easily swayed by group norms, and this is often for the worse. However, I’ve found that there can be a huge impact from people saying “hey, not cool”. I don’t have to be someone who changes any minds, just someone who can feel like they tried, regardless of if the tides change in the direction I’m pushing.
Plus, you’d actually be surprised at how many times I’ve had productive conversations on Lemmy from engaging earnestly with someone being aggressive. One of the reasons I like hanging out here is that I feel much more like I’m talking to people, in part because of how much more I see people apologising or being mature in dicey conversations. I certainly wouldn’t say that I have good results every time, but it’s often enough that it’s a key part of what I enjoy on this platform. Especially because I have enjoyed this wee conversation that you and I have had, independent of the person I was originally speaking to — you also count as one of the 'surprisingly pleasant" interactions that spring forth from challenging someone (especially as your first comment made me expect you to be far more adversarial than you have been).
Small wins, but I’ll take them
I’m watching the shows “Life on Mars” and “Ashes to Ashes”, both of which prominently display modern sensibilities in the 70’s and 80’s, respectably.
It’s very easy to hear the problem youre describing if one can’t see/hear it in the modern context. The amount of casual racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, ableism. (Hard ableism, as in a deaf kid gets treated as if they were mentally disabled.)
Oh yeah, I can imagine; I feel like I would cringe if I rewatched those shows (especially as I was less visibly disabled back when I watched them the first time, and so hadn’t experienced random ableist slurs directed at me by strangers on the street).
Whenever someone mentions that the 70s and 80s were 40-50 years ago, I usually feel uncomfortable at the inexorable passage of time and my place within it; however when I consider how far we’ve come since then though, across many different domains, I feel slightly heartened — when the reality is that progress happens a trickle at a time, I feel less small and overwhelmed at my own capacity to make change happen.
I don’t know if you realised, but I’m not talking about shows from the 70’s and 80’s, but of shows which are from 2006 and 2008 and which have the main character be of that modern era and then experience the 70’s/80’s through the lens of someone from ~2007.
Yeah I was born in the 80’s, I definitely know that feel. My brain still defaults to calculating things as if it were 2000. “The 70’s? That’s 30 years ago.”
No, no, I know what you mean. I can see how my phrasing was confusing though. I watched the shows you mentioned when they first came out, but I think that I would cringe far more today than I did back then. Ignorance is bliss (for those privileged enough to be ignorant)
It’s not a slur as much as it’s a definition. To be retarded means delayed or slow. It has nothing to do with mentally handicapped people.
It has everything to do with “mentally handicapped” people. The word “retarded”, used as an insult, derived from the term “mental retardation”, which was previously the actual clinical and legal term for a person with what we now refer to as “intellectual disability”. The use of “retarded” as a slur/insult is the whole reason why the clinical term was changed. It had come to be seen as derogatory and ableist even when used in a clinical context.
Source: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The term “mental retardation” was used through the fourth edition, which was last revised in the year 2000. It lasted until the 5th edition, which wasn’t published until 2013. Various organizations/agencies changed their terminology prior.
Fwiw, I’m a licensed clinician and I have diagnosed people with intellectual disabilities. I understand your perspective on the word, and I even shared a similar opinion until I learned how it has been used as a slur toward people who do have intellectual disabilities and developmental delays. Because of learning that, I now don’t use it as an insult. We do better when we know better.
This my friends is a distinction without a difference. Dude really implied that being “delayed”, as in developmentally delayed, has nothing to do with the handicapped. Astounding.
There is a difference. Morons that we call retarded are that way because they choose to be. They aren’t mentally handicapped. Mentally handicapped people don’t choose to be mentally handicapped. Which one are you?
Mentally handicapped people don’t choose to be mentally handicapped. Which one are you?
Yes, I choose to be mentally handicapped right? And somehow this is not disparaging against the mentally handicapped? Like do you understand what your argument is? I’ve seen LLMs with more awareness.
You’re retarded. Gotcha.
When we’re taking flagrantly willfull ignorance my friend, you certainly get the gold star.
Better to be seen as the r slur than to espouse the same rhetoric as Nazis.
A person with down syndrome would be a better president than Donald Trump and probably Biden. There are many people with intellectual disabilities who’d never vote for someone like Trump.
It’s being a dick, a horrible immoral person, that got us here, and that’s you. You’re acting like a Nazi.
In the context of talking about people, that word has everything to do with the people who it has been used as a slur against, including, but not limited to “mentally handicapped”.
OP was clearly using the phrase as a derogatory term for people, and the only dictionary sense that fits there is the one that has ableist allusions. If the context of use were different, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. For example, I wouldn’t have a problem with the phrase “The PCM responds by retarding ignition timing—either until the knock disappears, or until maximum spark retard is reached.” or “The Friar’s alibi finds him at the right place but always a moment in retard”.
That you’re taking such a literal reading here makes me wonder whether your comment was made in bad faith such that I shouldn’t bother wasting my time, but I’m hoping that there could actually be some meaningful dialogue here (after all, there’s a reason why I didn’t just report OP and move on). It might not affect your opinion, but I have direct experience of the r-slur that has been directed at me (not infrequently) when I am people read visibly disabled. I’m not “mentally handicapped”, but as a word, it has grown far beyond it’s original context of use. I say this to give context on my original comment — I’m not just going about tone policing people for fun: I commented what I did because it hurts to see that word thrown at people when part of what makes it effective as an insult is its attachment to people like me.
Once upon a time, the r-slur was actually considered one of the more appropriate words to describe people who are intellectually disabled. If I were alive in that era, I’d have likely been left to rot in an institution, and allowed only a fraction of the independence I’m able to have nowadays. But times change, and so does our understanding of the baggage that words pick up.
To draw an analogy, it wouldn’t be appropriate to call a black person the n-word, on the basis that it derives from the Spanish word for “black”. That etymology isn’t wrong, but it’s still missing the forest for the trees.
Why are y’all downvoting this comment? This person is entirely correct.
It’s the erosion of our culture before our eyes.
It’s a euphemism from the 60’s, saying “mentally retarded” instead of “moron”, “imbecile” or “idiot”, which were actual medical terms.
That’s like you arguing that the n-word isn’t a slur because it derives from “a definition”, a colour. Or more accurately a euphemism for the n-word would be non-offensive per your logic.
you can actually never trust the government
Libs see absolutely nothing wrong with the war on drugs and prison slavery. Thus California super happy to vote to keep their prison slaves. Progressive my ass.
Oh those cops that abused and maimed protestors during the george floydd protests? The ones that aren’t legally required to protect you? They will be in charge of your safety and security. Please turn in your guns, ignore January 6th 2021. Don’t worry, we passed a bill to require them to wear a rainbow BLM sticker over their body cams.
it doesn’t matter if they’re nazis, commies, or whatever, the governments job is to exploit the people in order to stay alive
The government’s job is to give punk rockers something to sing about
When someone in your Government is a bimbo girl, then you know you are fucked up
Bimbos are cool and they are fine in positions of power. She is a fascist though, you could have just used that instead of using weird misogynistic stereotypes.
Interesting; and I’ll start by saying we immediately disagree but I am curious on your perspective about not being misogynistic towards Nazi women. I recently (like 6 minutes ago) came to the conclusion that it’s fine to punch them. Can you change my mind?
It’s fine and not at all misogynistic to punch a Nazi woman. You’re simply treating her the same as you would a Nazi man.
One might argue that not punching Nazi women is in fact misogynistic.
The thing is: you don’t have to be misogynistic. She’s a Nazi, there’s plenty of other things you can demean her on without using language that broadly stereotypes everyone, or at least that group.
I get where you’re coming from, and I don’t think I’ll change your mind, but that language is not partisan (for lack of a better word). It might hurt the women standing against you, but it also hurts the women standing with you.
And just to be sure: You’re using bimbo to be hurtful, not because you believe bimbos are less than, right? Because that would be fucked if you wholesale discount bimbos simply because of what they are.
So I actually don’t use the term “bimbo,” and never have. I’m not misogynist; just somewhat of the opinion that it should be open-season on Nazis. As in, “anything goes.”
I don’t want to offend people that aren’t Nazis however. It’s unfortunate that someone might interpret a slur directed at someone else as a slur directed at oneself; but I get it.
In my lexicon, I have a lot of words I’d use for Noem. “Bimbo” would not be on the list in normal circumstances.
Hell yeah. I guess we’ll just be two different side of the coin, because your anger and frustration are valid. It might be chaotic, but it’s still “good”. lol
Misogyny is gender fascism. Don’t be a fascist.
Nah, misogyny is misogyny and fascism is fascism. That’s why they are different words.
What is misogyny if not fascist control of women by men?
You’re misusing the term fascist / fascism and it’s pretty harmful. You may not realize it, but misusing that term when it’s not appropriate downplays actual fascism; which is what’s happening in the US right now. People throwing the term around so loosely and inaccurately for years on end (in their verbal attempt to evoke strong emotion) is why a lot of the red-hatters can’t understand why so many people are calling them fascists right now, and why they continue to do what they do.
Misogyny is a hatred of women.
Fascism is a right-wing authoritarian government.
I’m not. This is gender fascism:
Women not being allowed to vote is gender fascism that has happened historically, along with not having bank accounts, attending law school, or being able to own land.
What’s happening in the US is gender fascism along with other forms of fascism. When you engage in misogyny, you’re engaging in gender fascism. Just like what Trump, a gender fascist and rapist, does.
Misogyny isn’t only a hatred of women, that’s a pretty infantile view of it. There’s benevolent misogyny, for instance, which wouldn’t outwardly appear like a hatred of women, just an assumption that women are stupid and naive, or unable to comprehend what men comprehend, or that women are best as mothers who give birth. A lot of Christian misogyny looks like this.
How is the bimbo any more dangerous than a nepo baby?
It seems when some rich white crotch fruit gets the job, that’s right and proper… They are “competent” but if a hot chick or a black dude get the gig, automatically “we are so fucked”
Bootlicker culture is very strong in USia
women 😤
Congratulations, you just showed everyone you’re a shitty person. Now everyone knows to not take anything you say seriously.
Anyone can look however they like no matter their position in society. What matters is their views and how they handle that position. Doesn’t matter if it’s a bimbo or whatever else, that shouldn’t be something of concern at all. This one just happens to be a really shitty person, which is fully expected from who chose her, and that’s what matters.
I submit that president Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is a male bimbo, and we should BE so lucky to be led by such a saint in comparison to real life.
A government large enough to supply all your needs is a government powerful enough to take everything from you.
What’s the size of a government that supplies precisely zero of my needs yet is still powerfull enough to take everything?
The current one
My guess would be 2 people, all the guns and knowledge of where everything you have is, assuming more people means “bigger” than more objects/information
So glad government mass surveillance has stopped all crime!
Not sure what you’re trying to say here. I’m against mass surveillance! I’m against big powerful government in general. All the fear people had with the Republicans coming to power would not have happened if there was no power for them to come to in the first place.
As for crime, that’s the job of a small, local, effective, community police force to deal with. Not a militarized thug squad that we have now!
Small local police can not deal with everything tho. There is a reason for multiple “layers”. The problem arise when anyone can be police, dealing with people’s lives without any meaningful training or selection, while other professions need years of training and certificates before they are allowed to do far less consequential things.
The problem with police is that they are “others.” If they were members of their communities and they knew the people they worked with (say, by walking a beat on foot and talking to people like a friendly mail carrier) then we wouldn’t have these issues.
But that would take far more cops to actually know people? Like in the order of one per 100? There are currently 700’000 cops, that would be 5x as many. How many people could one cop realistically know? What problem would this “knowing people” actually solve?
How many people could one cop realistically know?
Presumably somewhere around Dunbar’s number (or some other number with a similar goal likely calculated in a better way), which is wildly unrealistic from a practical perspective.
What problem would this “knowing people” actually solve?
They likely believe that police that are “members of the community” are much less likely to react based on vague heuristics built up over time because they are more likely to directly know the people involved and thus be less likely to need to rely on a snap judgement of strangers. It’s right up there with “maybe we should train them better”, except training is several orders of magnitude more manageable from a practical standpoint than having more law enforcement per capita than Bible belt small towns have churches per capita.
deleted by creator
This government doesn’t provide for people’s needs and is still powerful enough to take everything from us.
The real problem is if it’s not powerful enough to maintain a top position on violence then I’ll end up paying a second set of taxes to the local sheriff and his posse of Ranchers.
We need to ensure power is used responsibly. Not just get rid of it and hope nobody comes along to fill the vacuum. (Spoiler Alert, they will, and there won’t be voting)
I’m sure a social safety net propped up entirely by bureaucrats is going to suddenly deprive every one of their rights. It won’t be a government with mass surveillance and militarized police. Nope, those are definitely not two different things. Big government is big government regardless of form apparently.
I’m not against safety nets. I’m against bureaucracies and mass data collection. A social safety that features mass surveillance (means testing) is another tool for social control. A simple safety net via a negative income tax doesn’t leave any cookies in the jar for Musk and his goons to plunder.
Good fences make good neighbours. The government I trust most is the one with the least power to hurt me. When you vote for a new bureaucracy with broad powers over people’s lives you’re setting a time bomb that’s waiting to explode the moment the bad guy wins an election.
Never forget that it was the power of the bureaucracy that allowed the Nazis to be so ruthlessly efficient at rounding up all the Jews. The lesson of history was not “only the good guys should be allowed to win”, it’s “we shouldn’t be leaving so many loaded guns laying around the house.”
Good job sounding profound while spewing absolute bullshit.