I like how it makes just as little sense WITH context as without 😄
I like how it makes just as little sense WITH context as without 😄
the unhinged topiary
Had me in the first half, not gonna lie 😄
Which is of course itself an example of how effective the “propaganda only works on stupid people” messaging is at isolating victims of misinformation from any arguments pointing out misinformation.
It’s maddening, and the only remedy is more effective messaging about verifiably true information.
Which is in turn made more difficult by the truth tending to be much more complicated than plausible lies made into slogans and sound bites.
“Transfer municipal funds to other professionals better equipped to handle certain tasks in an effective and nonlethal manner than police officers are” is much more unambiguous about what most people want than “defund the police”, but good luck fitting that on a sign or getting to say that on the news before being interrupted!
Being dumb or not is completely irrelevant here
Especially when you factor in that propaganda is much more effective than most people are aware of/willing to admit.
You don’t have to be an idiot or insane to be fooled by effective messaging and messaging doesn’t have to make sense in order to be effective.
Otherwise, the fascist Republican party would have no chance of getting CLOSE to winning any major elections, let alone the presidency.
Ok, that’s fair on the expertise front.
Still, I’m pretty sure the lessons can be had for a better price and a zombie shelter doesn’t really help much when you still need to go to a workplace with Republicans 5-7 days a week 🤷
The what? 🤨
Call me old-fashioned, but that sounds like it might be slightly outside of the areas of expertise of a company that makes and/or sells vidya games 😄
To be fair, I’m really bad with faces
Same. I’m not exactly face-blind, but you could say I’m severely face-myopic 😁
different hair probably threw me
Happens to me embarrassingly often too 😁
How weird that someone would be significantly different as a 32yo artist in charge of her own career than as a teenager carefully controlled by Disney!
Still one of the funniest movies ever!
"Hey you! Not so fast! …that’s better.”
I never said he was GOOD at it 😉
Unless you’re into that, of course 🤷
I wish I’d known about it in 2020 when the powers that be made it excruciatingly clear that “essential worker” was code for “acceptable sacrifice”…
Yeah, “demonstrably” or “obnoxiously” would probably be much more accurate…
the Fabio game.
You mean Goose Dodging Simulator?
I think you’re confusing “every human” with “my mom’s dog Walther” 🤔
Coveted Patina is also the less successful sequel to Stephen King’s Needful Things.