Sublette County Sheriff K.C. Lehr has received more than 7,000 emails about a Wyoming man who reportedly captured and tormented a wolf before killing it, he told Cowboy State Daily on Wednesday.

Some of those are threats.

Lehr said people in his office, as well as Sublette County and Wyoming Game and Fish Department personnel, have been receiving threats — including death threats — stemming from Daniel, Wyoming, man Cody Roberts’ reported capture, torment and killing of a wild wolf in late February.

    9 months ago

    I dunno I wonder how much of this thread believes in rehabilitative justice when it’s convenient for them to do so, but will then turn around and advocate for extreme eye for an eye style punitive, retributive justice whenever it strikes their moral fancy. If it was seen as socially acceptable to go to the coliseum and see people thrown off of large wooden towers, or to go and look at the gallows, I can guarantee we’d still probably do it.

    I also don’t think this act requires psychopathy, or else you’d probably have to classify like, every teenage boy who kicks over an anthill or tries to shoot a squirrel with a bb gun as a psychopath. No, I think probably the fact that he paraded it through the town and bragged about it is the biggest indication that, much like the people in this thread, he thought he was doing something morally justified and cool.

    Maybe finally I’d just like to ask the question of, if you don’t actually want this guy to be horribly tortured and killed, or become some sort of adverse strain on the medical industry, become disabled, dependant on medical care (really revealing of your opinions of the elderly and disabled there, guys), then why are you calling for these things? These things which you do not actually believe should happen? Probably it’s because your brain’s been rotted by social media which I can appreciate, but still, I must chastize you for it, because when I do it, it’s morally justified and cool. While I don’t think that “death threats” from random people usually carry with them the same kind of weight as when political pundits call for the deaths of a given population or even a single person, and it’s unlikely that this guy actually gets tortured with all the fixin’s and trappin’s of a cut off your toes style collections agency, I still think it’s pretty morally repugnant and obviously unproductive to send this guy hate mail. At least package some ricin in it or something, if you really care, c’mon.

    I don’t actually care if you go scoop out this guy’s eyes with pomegranate spoons or take your toenail clippers to his teeth or whatever, or maybe like. Leave him in the unrefrigerated milk and honey bath for several weeks. You know, lest I be accused of being an animal torturer, or complicit in animal torture, which, really beating the witch hunt allegations there, Simone. No, I don’t really care about that shit, what I do mostly care about is that it’s fucking annoying to see a bunch of presumably men but also women who are unable to experience emotional distress without wanting to call for an eye gougathon. It’s okay to be sad and kind of mad that this shitlord is basically going to get away with this, as it would seem. I don’t think it’s healthy or productive to vent your emotions at this random person, though.

    I could also maybe call out the “well, are you guys vegan?” hypocrisy that everyone else has already done, but I’m not a vegan and I don’t care because I don’t have morals, so I’ll leave that to them.

    Thank you for your time.

      9 months ago

      You advocate for a fair justice system when you’re rational because you know at some point you’re going to have an irrational reaction. It’s the entire point.

          9 months ago

          So the most rational thing to do about it is to acknowledge that irrationality happens to you and other people against their will and to build a system to avoid it. If you don’t think you act irrationally you’ve already fallen into a catch-22 cause that is in fact irrational.

          Now if you think we can act rationally more often, I’m right with you in advocating for socialized mental healthcare.

            9 months ago

            If you don’t think you act irrationally you’ve already fallen into a catch-22 cause that is in fact irrational.

            Didn’t really get that from the rest of what you said, though. How is that a catch-22? Cause everyone will just be irrational eventually? No, not me, I am the one without sin, only I can cast stones.

            Also find it kind of funny because the catch-22 itself, referencing the book, is an example of the paradox of how the only people who would want to fight in war are probably insane, but also that insanity is a way to get dismissed from service. The scenario itself references a paradox which, in wartime, is unsolvable. If you’re sort of assuming that, for rational people, the default state of them is to assume they’re irrational, and also that, for the irrational, the default state of them is to assume they’re rational, I dunno if that really, uhh, works.

            Okay, I’m assuming I’m irrational. Yakka foob mog, grug pubbaqup zink watoom gazork. Chumble spuzz.

            We’re probably operating on different ideas of what “rationality” and “irrationality” means, here. I don’t actually disagree with any of what you said, I’m just pushing your buttons.

              9 months ago

              Lol. I think you realized you didn’t actually agree with what you were talking about halfway through and instead of deleting the comment you tried to play it off.

      9 months ago

      And you wouldn’t classify a kid shooting a squirrel for fun as psychopathy? It doesn’t necessarily have to mean anything but I’d definitely see it as a warning sign. Killing anything just for fun the fun of it seems weird to me.

        9 months ago

        Probably not. Teenagers are still developing their brains, empathy, etc.

        Some teenagers are taught that hunting is a valuable skill and want to practice it. Some just want to use their toy and don’t actually consider the full implications. Some might have been taught that squirrels are vermin.

        All those things are more likely than the teen shooting the squirrel because they enjoy causing pain. Probably the squirrels POV never even shadowed their thoughts.

        tl;dr teenagers are stupid and do stupid shit without thinking about what they’re doing.

        9 months ago

        and you wouldn’t classify … as psychopath*ic

        No, I wouldn’t, for the same reason you instantly stated after your question.

        Warning signs are warning signs. They are not indicative of anything other than a possibility.

          9 months ago

          i definitely saw my early childhood exploits where i hurt animals as psycopathic. i’m glad i could realize that at an early enough age to stop doing those kinds of things, but i remember being a little shit that didn’t care about other sentient beings. it’s gross and i would beat the hell out of my kid if i saw them doing that. i’d sit them down and explain why they shouldn’t but also put the fear of god in them to never do something like that ever again, just in case they didn’t grow out of it.

        9 months ago

        It’d be pretty hard to kill a squirrel with most bb guns, I would think, it’d just be really harmful and kind of a stupid thing that I can imagine a kid not thinking through, or thinking is funny after seeing their friends get shot with them and coming out okay.

        None of that really parallels with the current instance, but the broader point I’m making, I think, is that people throw around words like “psychopathy”, but then that’s never used as a way to discuss anything further. It’s used as a way to shut down discussion and pretend that these things are inevitable instead of being things that kind of stem from a collective cultural cruelty. You see accusations of psychopathy in this thread side by side with people wishing the cruelest possible things on this guy. If it is psychopathy, then this dude is more like a victim of incredible mental illness, and calling for his torture is, a very weird approach to mental illness. Then you also get people who are like “it isn’t an excuse”, and then I think you can dismiss those people out of hand because they’re coming into the discussion thinking that you’re trying to use mental illnesses as an excuse for torturing animals, which is really dumb.

        I’d also make the side point that if you were to classify that behavior as psychopathic, than as evidenced by both the thread and just kind of my general admittedly anecdotal experience, then psychopathy would probably be the default state of humanity, which I don’t think really lends meaning to psychopathy as a term.

    • kronisk
      9 months ago

      I don’t have morals

      I still think it’s pretty morally repugnant

      I dunno I wonder how much of this thread believes in rehabilitative justice when it’s convenient for them to do so, but will then turn around and advocate for extreme eye for an eye style punitive, retributive justice whenever it strikes their moral fancy.


            • kronisk
              9 months ago

              Then why care if people are being hypocritical? Why should it bother you that people adopt whatever beliefs are beneficial at the moment and then change them when it suits them? Isn’t that the smartest attitude to have? How could you even call someone else “morally repugnant”?

                9 months ago

                I mean having beliefs that are beneficial at the moment and then changing it whenever it suits you is a great short term option if you want to have moral beliefs, sure, but it’s not great in the long term, societally or personally. So I wouldn’t really call it the smartest attitude to have. I also don’t think that not having morals would necessarily prevent me from caring if people are hypocritical, or thinking that other people are morally repugnant. I’m just thinking that they’re morally repugnant by some external set of morals which aren’t my own, obviously, some morals which I haven’t internalized, and which aren’t mine, probably.

                Anyways, I gotta get back to shitposting online, and eating babies, or whatever it is that people with no morals do.

                • kronisk
                  9 months ago

                  I also don’t think that not having morals would necessarily prevent me from caring if people are hypocritical, or thinking that other people are morally repugnant. I’m just thinking that they’re morally repugnant by some external set of morals which aren’t my own, obviously, some morals which I haven’t internalized, and which aren’t mine, probably.

                  Think you have it in you to write at least one paragraph where you don’t contradict yourself? You say you care, but have no internalized morals? Which is it?

                  Yes, having no morals would prevent you from caring if people are hypocritical – this is what is known as a moral stance. Without morals, there is nothing wrong with hypocrisy.

                  Sorry to keep you from your preferred activities, I just think you should really think this through before you mention it to anyone again.

                    9 months ago

                    Think you have it in you to write at least one paragraph where you don’t contradict yourself?

                    No, probably not. That would be too easily agreed with, and uncritically accepted.

                    Why is caring if people are hypocritical a moral stance? I can just find it annoying, it doesn’t have to be a moral issue. There doesn’t have to be something morally “wrong” with it for me to find it grating.

                    If I were to point out, though, how hypocrisy might be wrong under most moral stances which don’t explicitly allow it, probably sort of along a “this is a principle to which all other principles must bow and are devoid” sort of thing. I’d probably go something along the lines of, if it’s actual hypocrisy, then it’s contradictory to the internally consistent moral principles at work, so from within the moral framework of whoever’s being hypocritical, the hypocrisy is wrong, they’re failing to live up to their own moral principles. That’s sort of a defining trait of hypocrisy.

                    For clarity, if I had to define my own actual moral position, it’s that I think morals are kind of more arbitrary than people would seem to believe. Or maybe less self-evident, is a better way of putting it. People tend to assume that everyone else is beholden to their own moral standards, or that someone else’s hypocrisy is just a case of cognitive dissonance or something, rather than being internally consistent within the worldview. People can still be wrong, but most of the time, people don’t actually know why someone else is wrong, they just kind of, assume that they are, mostly in bad faith. It’s sort of like the classic example of, ahh, those evil conservatives, they are going to ban abortion for it being murder, but then also want capital punishment, what hypocrites! I mean, they’re right in that the discrete positions which they’ve taken are probably correct, but their reasoning for getting there was wrong, so they’re basically just correct by dumb luck of their circumstances drawing them to a “correct” conclusion. Every individual claim or position you evaluate has to be kind of evaulated as it’s own thing, and everything as it exists within a particular worldview, it’s dumb to assume those aren’t well-justified. It’s like when people assume that everyone in the middle ages was just like, extremely stupid, and not human, and didn’t have real perspectives or live real lives. It flattens other people to cardboard cutouts. I’m struggling to come up with actual examples right now of people like accusing their political oppositions of hypocrisy when in reality their opposition just belongs to a totally different worldview and set of principles, but that’s probably cause I’ve switched to decaf, so if you call me out on it then I’ll come up with more solid examples later when my subconscious has had time to cook on it.

                    Anyways, this guy torturing this wolf, he was probably not just crazy and insane, he probably is just some stupid guy. I personally think it’s probably a better idea to examine that guy and his set of principles than just kind of offhandedly condemning him because of what I view as basically a deterministic action. It’s unproductive to just condemn him, it’s more productive to examine that behavior in order to put a stop to it at some future point, or even just to pursue understanding for it’s own sake. Maybe I’m just assuming the socrates moral position, or whatever the guy is that believes knowledge is the greatest good, except I also believe “behold, a man” is also a pretty good burn, so maybe not. I also think it’s kind of dumb to use this particular guy as an example. Potentially he’s interesting because, as people have discussed in the thread, he’s kind of a weird off example of something you usually don’t see headlined in the news or called out, which is the regularity of animal cruelty and the nutso behavior that a lot of hunters engage in, which could be examined well, but I dunno if this is the best example of that, because this is pretty extreme.

                    Mostlyl, though, the post I made is a vent against the fact that I see people on social media all the time engaging in these kinds of vent-y behaviors, which is something I acknowledge to be dumb, because I am engaging in the same problem about which I am complaining.

                    I also don’t understand, what about my post is rubbing you the wrong way, here? You seem like you’ve probably gotten the gist of it, what part of it are you drawing ire with, other than my incoherent rambling shitpost style of typing where I contradict myself and attempt to hold no clear positions of my own? I thought it was pretty self-evidently in jest when I said “but still, I must chastize you for it, because when I do it, it’s morally justified and cool.”. That’s definitely an unironic statement, that when I call for death threats, it’s a cool thing to do. Everyone else is wrong, only I am correct, that’s unironic for sure, for sure.

      9 months ago

      I want him to be put in prison never to be free again. But that will not happen so to protect more animals being tortured by this pos I wouldnt be sad if he gets killed either

      9 months ago

      … go scoop out this guy’s eyes with pomegranate spoons or take your toenail clippers to his teeth or whatever, or maybe like. Leave him in the unrefrigerated milk and honey bath for several weeks.

      Great ideas, could also use a rasp on the teeth too

      9 months ago

      dude holy shit this post is like if you asked chatgpt to write a dissertation on this shit in a sociological tone, but without fucking punctuating it.