This happened to me, but from catching myself when I fell skating.
It didn’t hurt at all until I wondered why my wrist wouldn’t rotate and looked down. I saw this, then it started to hurt.
The best part was the skating rink trying to get me to retroactively sign a liability waiver, and me telling them I broke my dominant arm (I didn’t).
Well, the best part was the hospital refusing to set it, then the orthopedist refusing to belive the hospital didn’t set it, so I had to have it surgically set a week later.
Why would they refuse to set it? Your insurance wouldn’t cover it? Doctor without a clue? Shift change that left you between doctors in a room, alone, for 6 & 1/2 hours?
They didn’t have a pediatric orthopedist there, and for some reason that was necessary for a broken arm.
“We can’t jeopardise the quality of care we give this patient. So let’s not treat him!”
Fell of a bike, broke my radius head in the elbow and I am realizing now I was lucky.
What Anon isn’t telling us is that they said “overhead press” but what he heard was “hydraulic press.”
jesus talk about having noodle-arms
How do you fuck up overhead press that badly? I’ve had close calls with other lifts, but if I max out and fail overhead, the only thing that happens is I can’t lift the bar.
My guess is that this person watched two YouTube videos of Olympic lifters do snatch and clean and though, “that’s not that hard! I’ll jerk that weight up there! 🏋️”
Narrator: it was that hard.
That’s not an overhead press…
Yes, but the sort of person who thinks they can clean and jerk with no training is also the sort of person to get that and an overhead press confused.
Step one: have cooked spaghetti arms
Step2: start with 100 pound weights on your first try
How weird is it that he could lift it but the arm couldn’t support it? Homie there only works legs/core??
Who said they lifted it? Maybe it was on a rack and the just kinda slid it off.
Incorrectly, it would appear.
FYI, an overhead press should happen in a gym, not a factory floor.