Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Completely agreed. She basically took BIden’s platform, tweaked it a bit, and was able to use the Biden/Harris campaign funds that was already raised. She was also already gearing up for VP debates and whatnot, so yeah, it makes a ton of sense for her to be able to hit the ground running.

    I don’t think demographics are particularly important here since it’s a literal handoff from one candidate to another. There was no primary, so no mudslinging from other candidates and whatnot, just a smooth baton handoff.

    That said, I don’t like her as a candidate. In 2020, she was dead last in my list of candidates, and there’s a host of potential candidates I’d prefer over her. But those other candidates didn’t actually run because Biden was the presumptive nominee, so she didn’t have to deal with the polls in a primary. And that’s why I think she was able to keep the majority of Biden’s support base and get a bit of her own.

  • I’m not specifically talking about myself, I’m explaining the sentiment I see here. Me personally not contributing to those posts probably won’t impact anything, and that’s fine. But there’s a lot of pushback from people who prefer text.

    All I’m saying is to put in a little effort to link a relevant text article or add a few bullet points that the video covers. That’s it. The barrier to posting stuff should be a little higher than just sending links to things that seem somewhat interesting.

  • Tactical Breach Wizards and Into the Breach

    I’ve played Into the Breach, but not Tactical Breach Wizards, adding it to the list. :)

    Platformers: Celeste, Horace, Dustforce and Little Nightmares

    Loved Little Nightmares, haven’t played the others. Thanks!


    I’ve definitely heard of it, but never got around to it. Thanks for the reminder.

    Wadjet Eye Games

    Huh, I haven’t played any of those, I’ll add a couple and probably end up playing all of them. Thanks!

    Story aka Walking Simulators

    Firewatch and Jazzpunk are on the list, I have The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, but the others aren’t.

    These are some fantastic recommendations, thanks!!

  • No worries!

    One thing I didn’t mention is value vs growth, and you’ll see that a lot. Basically, “value” means companies that are undervalued by the market, and “growth” means companies that the market believes will continue to grow (i.e. higher dividends, established brands, etc). Funds that provide one over the other are betting that one will outperform the other, and people are on either side. I think that if picking winners was that easy, everyone would do it, so I instead just try to build a balance.

    But anyway, there are a few resources I really like that can help if you want to dig further:

    • Bogleheads wiki - Jack Bogle started Vanguard, and this wiki is dedicated to low-cost, index-fund investing; there’s a ton of great info there, and it goes pretty deep
    • Investopedia - I don’t recommend browsing the site, but if their content shows up on a regular search, they’re usually pretty high quality
    • The Money Guy - YT channel more about personal finance than investing, but they have some great videos and I rarely find something I disagree with; I think their advice is much better than Dave Ramsey (and Ramsey’s investing advice sucks, steer clear), and I haven’t found a better, general purpose PF resource on YouTube

    Have a great day, and don’t hesitate to make another post here if you have questions.

  • Exactly. Just like any other kind of proselytizing, it’s better to just live by example and answer questions as they come. For example:

    • personal finance - manage finances properly, and people will notice that you’re not stressed about money
    • religion/philosophy - live a worthwhile life and demonstrate the value it brings to your life
    • products - use them and mention them when relevant (e.g. my coworker loves their Remarkable and shills it at every opportunity)

    People aren’t going to change their behavior because you’re pushing something on them, they’ll change their behavior if they see something they want more than what they have. I think more people should self-host, but I don’t get anything from others switching, nor do I have much control over them deciding to switch.

  • I don’t hate totp, I just recognize the faults in it.

    Same, I wish I could use security keys everywhere. I have an older YubiKey (version 4?), and it doesn’t get used because only like 2 services I use support it, and those support TOTP. I would switch all of my banks today if I could.

    So I stick with TOTP because it’s “good enough” and works everywhere. If I had more than a small handful of services that worked with my YubiKey, I’d absolutely bring it with me everywhere.

    hate the trend of companies requiring an app for 2FA…

    Yeah, it totally sucks. I have decided to just not install apps if I can get away with it, which is nice because tons of them don’t even work with how my phone is set up (GrapheneOS, no Play services). So I’m going to be a thorn in their side as long as I can. They should just support TOTP since it’s already ubiquitous, and ideally also support security keys.

  • would you be using that HDMI port?

    Yes, absolutely. At work, we use MBPs, and I often ask someone with the port to connect to the TV so I don’t have to go find a dongle (and those dongles can be very finicky). I’ve had to work around the lack of an HDMI port, and it’s been incredibly annoying for the almost 4-years I’ve had my MBP.

    My personal laptop has an HDMI port, and I also use it frequently to connect to our TV. It’s something I’d use weekly, if not more frequently. This laptop is older, yet I still prefer using it to the MBP, largely because of the HDMI port.

  • Exactly. And with AI tools, getting a transcript and generating a summary shouldn’t be all that hard.

    All I’m looking for is a handful of bullet points that give me a reason to watch the video. I’m not watching a random video someone posts just based on the headline, I need a bit more reason to invest my time to contribute to the discussion. And if you provide a basic summary, I’ll probably do the legwork and find some articles to add to the discussion while I’m watching the video.

  • Yup, VFIAX (the Vanguard S&P 500 index) is what everyone is saying.

    Here’s what you’re invested in:

    • VFIAX - S&P 500 fund; 500 biggest companies in the US
    • VEIRX - basically a “value” tilt version of the S&P 500, but with far fewer companies (~200 vs 500)
    • VSMGX - conservative, properly diversified fund - 60% in stocks (diversified with international stocks), 40% in bonds
    • VUSXX - basically cash

    So overall, here’s what you’re looking at (back of the napkin math):

    • 35% - cash and bonds
    • 55-60% - US stocks
    • 5-10% - international stocks

    So you’re pretty lightweight on international stocks.

    Personally, here’s what I’d invest in:

    • VITSX - Total US market, meaning there are smaller companies in there as well; 85% of it is the same as the S&P 500, so it’s not that different, but small companies have historically done better than big companies, so it’s good to have some of that exposure
    • VTMGX - pretty much total international market

    To be evenly diversified globally, you’d do something like 60% VITSX and 40% VTMGX, but I personally think the US will outperform, so I do 70% US and 30% international.

    If you’re risk-averse and feel like you’d sell if there’s a market downturn, you can add some bonds (VBTLX) and put something like 10-20% in it (assuming you’re young-ish; if you’re over 50, increase it to 30-40%). But honestly, there’s not much point if you’ll just set it and forget it. If you want something super simple, VASGX looks pretty decent (20% bonds, so a bit less extreme fluctuations in a downturn).

    A lot of people honestly just go 100% S&P 500, because a lot of those companies do business in other countries, so you’re kind of getting international exposure. I personally prefer explicit international exposure though, hence my recommendation.