If this is the marketing opt-out screen you know damn well they’re selling everything they can about your purchase and banking histories. I would change to a credit union post haste.
If this is the marketing opt-out screen you know damn well they’re selling everything they can about your purchase and banking histories. I would change to a credit union post haste.
You’re missing out. Lower Decks is easily one of the best trek shows if you like trek. Also they do a crossover episode with Strange New Worlds.
This is what i do. Star Trek playlist gets put on when i’ve got nothing else to watch. Random episodes of all trek is my happy place.
but I think (hope?) it’s a net positive.
Definitely a net positive. My friend and I were discussing something similar the other day. He rides motos and I ride downhill and we both learned via youtube. What used to be restricted to people who could afford private lessons or coaching are now available to people even in third world countries. It’s opened up a lot of new horizons for people.
This is what happens when the bard rolls a nat 1 perception check while making his album covers.
The latest version of iOS changes the words if you have spellcheck on. I think it underlines the misspelled words if you have spellcheck off.
Any corundum without trace elements is colorless. Corundum with trace chemical impurities makes the gems we know. Chromium gives the red to rubies, sapphire has iron and titanium, you can get other colors using vanadium or different ratios. Gems are neat.
And the wind or lack thereof.
Types of corundum maybe but I think that’s a stretch. Sapphire is (usually) blue Al2O3. Ruby is red Al2O3. Transparent aluminum is Al2O27N5.
Scotty would be proud.
Same for me. 650 hours in I’ve got the platinum trophy and golden dice and I started a new character yesterday (gith paladin) because there is still stuff i havent seen.
Wait until you hear about bicycles.
deleted by creator
Maxxis. My current pair of tires i’ve had for a year. I ride daily up and down enduro trails and have only had pinch punctures, no thorns or nails flats. Maxxis Rekon is what i would recommend for you. If you want a more aggressive setup i’d go Maxxis DHF in front and Maxxis Rekon in the back.
Tel’aran’rhiod can be a dangerous place.
Perhaps it’s just dialectal differences. I live in colombia and what I hear daily is an e sound that rhymes with hey, hay, or may.
Adding the H to some of these letters wouldn’t give the right sound for native english speakers. I would transcribe these vowels using american english like so:
A = ah : rhymes with ma
E = ay : rhymes with hey
I = ee : rhymes with tree
O = oh : rhymes with blow
U = oo : rhymes with shoe
Yes. Very good. You can skip the novellas but they have some great stories in them. The quality is consistent throughout.
Does a reboot fix the issue? Seems like it’s recognizing something as a phone number which isn’t a phone number. A reboot might reset whatever daemon is causing the issue.