Bypasses the whole 1-2 hours of anxious waiting. Kicks in within 5-15 minutes peak hits in like 30
Bypasses the whole 1-2 hours of anxious waiting. Kicks in within 5-15 minutes peak hits in like 30
I don’t think i ever came across cross posted content where up/down voting was not allowed 🤔
Fascism was never stamped out. Wall street supported it heavily and now they fully control the us political and military machine. We came full circle. The nazi’s didnt loose the war their ideology infected those with control today. Central banks funded the third reich and those same financial institutions are still empowered and playing a part today. War and genocide / eugenics is a part of their business model.
The thing is said last summer that got me permabanned was “international law states that occupied indigenous populations have a right to resist occupation and fight back by any means possible” reddit has an aversion to facts as do all conservatives and their fellow neo liberal boot lickers
Wtf is “vote brigading”?
They are desperay obvious and its cringe. They were in full blast damage control censorship mode even before december 4th. I was VPN banned last summer just for saying that occupied indigenous people have a right to resist occupation by any means necessary as per international law in regards to palestine and IsNoTreal. So far ive jot been able to evade the ban even with a vpn. Wall street military and prison industry profiteers have become too confident and comfortable.
“reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote calls for a violent revolution against the billionaire class and the fascist neo feudalist militarized police state enforced wage slavery and rent till death economics they have created to benefit their endless growth driven profits while ignoring upvotes of content that praise violence against leftists, women and other marginalized leftist aligning groups and ideologies”
There, FTFY
I like how zionists ignore the reality thst israel was founded on right wing zionist extremism. For decades the Irgun Hagannah, Palmach and Lehi waged a campaign of terror funded with the money of a certain central banking family whom you cant mention without being called AnTiSeMiTiC. These violent terrorist paramilitary organizations murdered between 6-8000 palestinian jews muslims and christians as well as british occupying infantry before 1948 when the newly formed government of israel condemned them as terrorists while simultaneously granting them pardons and membership into their newly formed military and intelligence apparatus. They were responsible for Countless riots assassinations bombings like the most famous one the bombing of the king david hotel that killed over 100 innocent people. There was NO islamic extremism before the 1960’s it was a response to the original terrorism of zionists. So keep on licking that boot. Maybe you’re getting paid to spread this disinformation otherwise youre just ignorant as all fuck
I knew you were a neo liberal POS when you responded to my post but now i see you’re even worse, you’re a zionist apologist 🤢
All money is a grift. Its nothing more thsn s way to bypass the value of bartered and traded commodities with real value. As so we can live in a class dictatorship where our surplus labor value is stolen so a few sociopaths can live in extreme opulent luxury at our expense
My bad. You’re probably correct considering its been 8 years since I’ve cut any keys. But i did have about a decade and a half of key cutting experience. I used to be able to cut 3 keys at a time if the chuck would open wide enough mostly just with the wr-1/kw-1/ar-1 and sc-1 blanks. I don’t miss finding those damn brass shards in my feet after work though
I did clarify in another comment that it did look like an assa key after this comment. Sometimes those little round keys for special cylinder locks and po boxes were the hardest to figure out.
Looks like one of those assa a-xx high security commercial keys with extra slots, some of them even have stepped slots for additional pins in the cylinder.
I guess you could copy a key from a picture but it would be a real pain.
Oh so the replacement isnt the little round y-1/m1 blank in the left side of the pic? Ive cut a lot of keys in my day and what makes them work besides the jagged pattern the pins fall into which allows the lock cylinder to turn are tbe pattern of groces along the horizontal shaft of the key. Sometimes other blanks will work if the slots are not to specific and the key slots are just vague/thin enough to fit into the cylinder but these 2 key blanks have very different slotting configurations
Thats not the right keyblank…… the broken one looks like an sc1 or a y-11 and the little one looks like a y-1/m-1 for master locks.
Many people beed tk realize the reality that a lot of the interactions we are seeing on mainstream social media platforms especially x/ twitter whatever the fuck its called now, is heavily manipulated by imperial actors such as the company team Jorge which is a mossad run bot farm out of israel that for a price (or even for free depending on the cause, floods platforms with fake engagement meant to make conservatism Look more popular than it truly is to manufacture consent and confuse/ wear down people attempting to dialogue and potentially even convince uninformed people consuming this state propaganda to support fascism/ conservatism.
They manufacture consent, couple that with the extreme oppression and destruction of the middle class since the nixon administration and neo liberal right wing policies that doubled down on these awful ideas while actively working to subvert and undermine any movement left on meaningful social issues. We didn’t let this happen so much as we were conditioned to allow it and be too exhausted just barely surviving that we would not have any energy to actively fight and thwart a blatant class war waged against the working class and poor right in front of our eyes,
I made a new account at s library and was using a vpn on my mobile to access it but they still caught me so idk
Zionists deserve all the vitriol they get.