I would overload the first portion of your resume with as many keywords related to the stacks you’re familiar with because it’s not like humans are reading these anyway.
Do not do this, but if you are, be sure to include Excel, Word, Windows, Outlook, and TCP/IP. Adding TCP/IP lets them know you’re a real technical person.
Most automated scoring of a resume compares your resume to the job posting you’re applying for. The closer the match the higher the score. You should be tuning your resume for each job and while using the same words and phrases in the job posting.
Adding TCP/IP lets them know you’re a real technical person.
I giggled at that, but I like it. They could also change JS to ECMAScript. I did that in my early resume when I was trying to figure out whether to put JS, JavaScript, or JScript, or just list out all the things I’d touched that had any relation to them…but was afraid they might actually ask me about one that I was only marginally familiar with and I’d look like an asshole, which I kind of am, sometimes. I just left it in future revisions.
One of the people in the technical interview for my current job asked me what ECMAScript was and I confessed exactly that, and they laughed. I like to think it had a small role in getting the job offer, but I’m not sure.
what ‘keywords’ should I fill it with.
Do not do this, but if you are, be sure to include Excel, Word, Windows, Outlook, and TCP/IP. Adding TCP/IP lets them know you’re a real technical person.
Most automated scoring of a resume compares your resume to the job posting you’re applying for. The closer the match the higher the score. You should be tuning your resume for each job and while using the same words and phrases in the job posting.
I giggled at that, but I like it. They could also change JS to ECMAScript. I did that in my early resume when I was trying to figure out whether to put JS, JavaScript, or JScript, or just list out all the things I’d touched that had any relation to them…but was afraid they might actually ask me about one that I was only marginally familiar with and I’d look like an asshole, which I kind of am, sometimes. I just left it in future revisions.
One of the people in the technical interview for my current job asked me what ECMAScript was and I confessed exactly that, and they laughed. I like to think it had a small role in getting the job offer, but I’m not sure.
Maybe this can be included in Other Skills. Thanks for the advice.