“Wait this shit sucks, nevermind.”

-Mike Black, probably

  • radicalautonomy@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Even he had done things legitimately by not relying on contacts or a free roof over his head from a fan and all the rest…it’s not like he was really starting from scratch. He was cosplaying as a homeless man…granted, he was committed to the act, but even if he really gave everything away beforehand (which I really fucking doubt, he likely had retirement funds to draw from if need be), he still had a lot to fall back on that truly homeless people usually do not have.

    He had skill sets, family, and friends whom he knew would take care of him if it came down do it. And having that safety net provides significant emotional comfort, which in turn makes it easier to try to get a hustle going. When you have no one to potentially lean on who would take you in in a heartbeat, it fucks with your head. Hell, I’m not even homeless, and feeling so alone in the world has been fucking with mine. I can’t imagine how low I’d feel if I also didn’t know where my next meal was coming from.

    • CoggyMcFee@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      but even if he really gave everything away beforehand (which I really fucking doubt, he likely had retirement funds to draw from if need be), he still had a lot to fall back on that truly homeless people usually do not have

      Clearly he didn’t really lose everything, because otherwise how could he decide to stop being poor after 10 months? The only way that works is if you still have things to return to.

    • yokonzo@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      If it’s any small comfort, you’re not alone. A lot of us are being fucked with, we just don’t have news platforms to shout that out on so it doesn’t seem like there’s that many of us