Marcel LUX III SARL (Marcel) as the largest shareholder in SUSE is planning to take the company private and delist it from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. SUSE will be merged with an unlisted Luxembourg entity. Marcel currently owns a 79% stake in SUSE. press release

    2 years ago

    I’m mixed about this. Usually private companies are better for customers compared to public companies because they aren’t pressured by their shareholder to chase short term profits or corporate shenanigans (e.g. stock buyback) to boost stock price. Think about how Valve not bleeding their customers dry even though they have the full grip of pc gaming market.

    On the other hand, the new owner will be a private equity firm. Not sure about this firm in particular, but private equity firms are famous for bleeding their portfolio companies dry to extract the most profit before selling them off to the next sucker. I like some of SuSE’s products (RKE2, K3S, Rancher) and their opensource activities (especially them sponsoring KDE developments with both money and developer time), so I hope nothing bad happen to them.