As far as I can tell this basically means that all apps must be approved by Apple to follow their “platform policies for security and privacy” even if publishing on a third party app store. They will also disable updating apps from third party app stores if you stay outside the EU for too long (even if you are a citizen of an EU country, with an Apple account set to the EU region).

The idea that preventing app updates is in line with their claims of protecting security is utterly absurd. “Never attibute to malice what can be explained with stupidity,” but Apple isn’t stupid.

    7 months ago

    It’s these kinds of sweeping generalizations about apple users that lack any nuance at all that spike any meaningful conversation. It just becomes apple-bashing to make everyone not using apple (or who uses it “but it’s different I have good reasons” and separated themselves from “the fanboys”) feel holier than thou. To make them feel better than “those dumb apple fanboys.”

    I don’t love Apple. I am not a fanboy. I use it because in my field it is pretty damn standard. I also run Linux on a separate computer.

    Nobody talks about Windows users like this because they all used to be or currently are one. They assume there is a good reason someone is still on Windows despite the absurd shitshow that is the W11 transition. But for some reason no one is as charitable to apple users on that front. They just recall images from 2007 of people lined up outside the apple store for a new iphone, make a crack about overpriced hardware, and decide “every one of them is a dumb sheep who will die for Tim Apple.” It gets really old.