Love and use them for Photo, Publisher, and Designer, but there’s no alternative for Lightroom. And honestly, I like Lightroom. It truly is the best at what it does. Simple, easy to use, great features, thoughtful design.
Love and use them for Photo, Publisher, and Designer, but there’s no alternative for Lightroom. And honestly, I like Lightroom. It truly is the best at what it does. Simple, easy to use, great features, thoughtful design.
Yeah I’ve been seeing this reasoning for many years now, but as someone who lives in Word and Excel for office work, it’s actually been a really long time since I couldn’t use Pages/Numbers/LibreOffice in place of Office just as effectively.
macOS is just a great OS. It’s polished, and thoughtfully designed with care, as are many of the apps available for it. I like that it integrates very well with my other Apple devices. Because of its BSD underpinnings, a lot of Linux-y things work very well with it. I use the Terminal (actually Warp, but same idea) on a daily basis for different things. A lot of the tools that I know and use on my Linux servers work here as well. I can write automation for it, and apps like Raycast and Alfred make building workflows and scripts, and tying those together, really easy. It’s much more secure than Windows. I also don’t have to worry about stupid shit like literal fucking advertising being built into the OS, as you have with Windows.
As for Rocky Linux, well, I’m a co-founder of it (and the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation) and helped build it, so my biases there are obvious.
macOS for personal use, Rocky Linux or Ubuntu for my servers
I drive a large truck because I truly need and use the bed on a weekly basis. I wouldn’t be able to get by without it, being more than a convenience thing, as I have tried (and failed) for years to use my wife’s minivan. There are a lot of things that you straight up cannot do without a truck. I live on 7 acres of mostly heavily wooded land. That kind of property has a lot of maintenance needs that you really need a truck for.
But when I go to the city, I almost never go with anything in the bed. First, I think it can be unsightly to have my bed loaded up with rotting construction material or large bulky items that need to be taken to the transfer station.
Second, it can be dangerous, depending on what I’m hauling. The load needs to be secured. I’m more likely to get into an accident in the city, so if that happens, now in addition to whatever comes off from either vehicle, now whatever else that I was hauling is going to be all over the place, impeding traffic even further.
If my load is heavy, as it often is (think: maybe 1,000 lbs of cord wood), that has a pretty big impact on my gas mileage.
And if it rains? Whatever is in my bed is going to get wet and soggy and nasty.
And then there’s the winter. I live in New England. You may have heard about the snow we get here. My driveway is 1/4 mile long, and REALLY steep. I use my truck to keep it plowed. There’s no other way we’re leaving our property when the snow falls. But obviously I don’t have my plow attached in the off-season, so it wouldn’t be obvious to you that I also use it for that.
So for many reasons, I need a truck. It is almost never loaded when I have to go into the city. It’s not lifted, I don’t have obnoxious wheels, but it’s a big truck (they don’t seem to make them any other way these days). Now I have to also worry about people with attitudes like yours taking their misguided vigilante justice out on my vehicle because you’re not thinking beyond your nose? Do you really think that’s fair?
The personalized, colorful web pages became streamlined, conforming to modern design standards and sacrificing individuality for uniformity.
There are some pretty big advantages to ‘modern design standards.’ For one, they make the Internet a less hostile place to users with accessibility needs. I don’t have problems viewing clashing colors, flying gifs, jumbled pages with no sanity, etc, but a hell of a lot of people with various disabilities sure do. I don’t want to even think about how screen readers try to deal with pages like that. Web1.0 offered absolutely nothing for those users who needed accessibility.
Get into short horror stories. GOOD stories published by professional magazines like Nightmare, The Dark, Black Static, Weird Horror, Pseudopod. Those are all places that pay professional rates and who have won tons of awards. Anthologies edited by Ellen Datlow are also good, who does the Year’s Best. Crystal Lake Publishing is good as well, both their short stories, novels, and their podcasts. Weird Little Worlds is another indie publisher that has put out good stuff. (Disclosure: I’ve had stories published by both CLP and WLW—the Mother: Tales of Love and Terror antho I was in was a finalist for the Bram Stoker award this year.)
If you want good horror, you need to go to the places that publish it professionally. Issues are pretty cheap, and there’s plenty of free stuff on their sites as well.
Search the App Store for RSS readers.
Basically, the second order to me really boils down to this: AI generated content isn’t really a ‘brand’. Good writing shops tend to build a following with their writers and expectations with their editors. The writing, investigative, and editorial bent of a house is essentially what makes a shop. See The Economist and The New Yorker as examples. In other places, a lot of niche shops are selling personality as much as product with youtube, podcasts, and others.
Yep. This is why I’ve been a paying subscriber to Ars Technica for over a decade. You’re exactly correct. Ditto with NPR.
Right. That’s why searching for anything on the internet SUCKS these days. The results are all just filler bullshit.
This is fucking gross. There’s no one who thinks people will read the mass shit they pump out.
350k? As in, 350,000 images? Holy shit, man. How do you have that many pictures? And how much storage space does that eat up? All of it?