I heard the following phrase no fewer than three times at a recent tech conference: “Bad Programmers will move heaven and earth to do the wrong thing”. The first time I heard it I thought that it was kind of catchy, maybe I even chuckled a bit with the others
Sounds like a whole lot of programmers have a case of “never mentally graduated from high school” if there’s a habit of “witch-hunting” the “baddies”. Which… Unsurprising, after a regretted stint in military IT, everything involving rank or seniority looks like high school dynamics to me anymore, and Hacker News is FULL of personalities that project multiple hours of their lives spent stuffed inside a locker onto other people-- I can’t help but question if it wouldn’t be easier for these would-be witch-hunters to just offer a hand to these “bad” programmers, rather than tearing them down.
Iunno. Maybe I’m expecting too much maturity from modern techbros; and maybe I shouldn’t be bothering with the field.
It has, in my experience, always been this shitty.
From the days of RTFM onward, and it was probably around before then.
Humans enjoy nothing more than feeling we are better in some way.
Always worth reminding ourselves how silly we all are.
But watch, they’ll turn around and wonder why I won’t interface with the
squadroncompany function, why I don’t care about going out for drinks with my coworkers, and why I never buy into the whole 'we’re a familyso you should give more of yourself to the corp than you do your ACTUAL family’nonsense after all of that. It’s a contemptuous ‘better-than-thou’ complex, everywhere, and it’s tiresome.