Which one is this?
Either Stargate or Birth Canal.
How bout this dude?
Babe Magnet
The Oval Frame.
The Seat
head band
Number 10 has a different name now
Yup, the short Austrian man copied Charlie Chaplin. Apparently he was a big fan of Chaplin, Chaplin on the other hand was not a fan of him (see “the great dictator”) :3
Wait, I thought a goatee is what is labelled ‘circle’ … is that a Canadian thing or ?
Where I am from in the States 19 would be a Van Dyke (18) and 32 would be a Goatee. I don’t know what 18 is supposed to be called.
I’ve always heard the circle beard called a goatee too, but I think I heard Bill Simmons, of all people, mention that goatee is supposed to refer to a beard that hangs down from your chin, like a goat. It makes sense as an etymology. The circle beard is essentially a goatee + mustache.
Tbh, I’ve heard both
USA, I’ve always known number 19 as the goatee. I grew up around goats though, so I just sorta assumed it was named after the tuft of hair that goats often have under their chin.
Relevant guide:
I thought I had that “haven’t shaved in a few days” look because I’m lazy, but apparently I’m rocking “designer stubble.” I feel significantly fancier
What does that turn into if you don’t touch it for 4 weeks? That’s what I have, and it’s not on this list.
A neckbeard?
The Ned Kelly would also be known as the Dalston/Williamsburg/Brunswick/(insert very urban hipster district name) Woodsman
Or unix beard. Though perhaps not as tidy, stereotypically.
Aww the friendly mutton chops are shaking hands:)
By far my favourite facial hair. I’m so sad I don’t have the jawline for it ;_;
no long goat? pfft…
No full beard either.
I was disappointed to not find the 19th century classic continuous sideburns+mustache combo:
magnificent. ambrose burnside you magnificent SOB, let those sideburns fly
18 is traditionally called a “Musketeer” in competitive circles.
Where’s “normal”? In between a 1 and 35?
…i don’t see a drake on the chart…
(no, not the f*cking rapper)
I don’t know if I have a Ned Kelly or a Garibaldi. It probably depends on how long it’s been since I cleaned it up.