I installed Ubuntu a few months ago on my work laptop and I’ve been running and loving it since.
However, I am used to VsCode, so this is what I am using in Ubuntu as well.
So I am curious, what kind of coding so you do? And what is your workflow.
I am an embedded firware developper and mainly use C. I am cross compiling my code in VsCode for a FPGA from Xilinx (dual core arm + PL)
Never dove into make files and cmake more than what I needed in the past, but I had an opportunity to learn CMake and build a project from it.
So my workflow is :
- Code in VsCode
- Build in CMake
- Transfer the app through scp on the target with a custom script (target is running petalinux, which is yocto + Xilinx recipes)
- Use gdb server to debug the code.
It’s a pretty simple workflow, but I’d like to know what you guys are running so that I can maybe upgrade my workflow.
Java dev, running opensuse Tumbleweed with KDE.
IntelliJ IDEA, maven, git, postman
Kate for quick edits and note taking works very well
Konsole is my terminal of choice
Teams for Linux because I have to
docker on the command line because there’s no docker desktop for Linux. There is for windows and MacOS tho, although Linux is literally the thing where it runs on the kernel and whose concepts the whole thing is based upon. Fuck them.
Kind of sad to see still lack (for Linux in general) of apps that are often used in companies. E.g. Teams and docker desktop
Teams for Linux sucks and is not maintained anymore. Devs recommend using the web app and this is what I’m using in Chrome, works really well. Otherwise I’m also on Tumbleweed KDE :)
There’s an unofficial cliënt that I’ve used in the past. Works well even on Wayland (where screen sharing can be an issue sometimes): https://github.com/IsmaelMartinez/teams-for-linux
If I’m not mistaken, this app is just a wrapper for the web app.
I had a lot of issues with wayland and that app.
Indeed this is the description I find on Discover:
The advantage compared to teams.microsoft.com (at least when I load it in Firefox), is that it has many more features, since I guess it’s using an “Edge” user agent, which unlocks stuff that is not enabled for FF. For example, I can have 1:1 calls (yeah, I know…) and blur my background or even set a background pic, all things I can’t really do on FF.
On the other hand, screen sharing works unreliably (at least in a Wayland session, X11 is fine). I’ve reported a bug to KDE since I assumed it’s a kwin issue, but I should test it with a gnome wayland live medium as well…