Recently my manjaro linux laptop had a pretty bad meltdown. My solution would usually be plugging in the live boot drive and fixing whatever happened, but that takes to long and I lost a working day because of it. I need a more brute-forcy way of backing up and recovering my machines. I’m thinking daily disk image backups that I can recover just by flashing the last days image. I have ~20tb worth of old harddrives that I could put into raid using a raspberry pi but I don’t really trust them all that much.

I created this backup utility afew months ago but it’s also not that great. Does anybody know a solution for uploading a disk image of my computer, encrypted locally on my machine, then upload it to s3?

    1 year ago

    Completely untested, but it shouldn’t be anything particularly complicated if all you want is a full image you can flash back:

    dd if=/dev/sda bs=4M | zstd -T0 -9 | openssl enc -aes256 | aws cp - s3://your-bucket/backup-sda.zstd.enc

    Using tar is probably a lot more efficient though, at least you only upload what’s used not the whole drive.

    Or even better, use btrfs/zfs snapshots.