Fuck You, Eric.
I guess Google really did just change their motto to ‘be evil’
“We should all max out and default on 1 billion credit cards because we’ll never pay out all debts”. Maybe if we frame it that way the religious capitalists will get it.
There’s a danger when you advocate abandoning all hope of survival and you haven’t yet figured out immortality for yourself.
What? But that’s what the bunker in the remote island is for! And the security guards with shock/bomb collars. For living forever right?
I mean Biden just rushed a mad scientist a government position to replace brains slowly with fetal stem cells to end aging. And god I wish I was making up any of that.
(Inspired by west world to replace his whole body??)They are hoping to drag this out long enough to figure it out.
deleted by creator
Seems painfully relevant.
Fun fact about Eric Schmidt: he’s a moron
And you might be thinking, well yea, I can read the headline. But that’s not even what I’m talking about.
Inside google a bunch of engineers wanted to make chrome, you know that browser everyone uses and gives google an even more unfair strategic advantage. They literally had to hide this effort from Eric Schmidt because he’s a bean counting moron. He has negative strategic vision and would have killed the project.
Listening to this man prognosticate about anything is pointless. This is a man leading google that couldn’t see the value in owning the browser platform, he might be the dumbest person on earth.
You mean this guy could have saved us from Google’s browser monopoly? The world could have been so different…
saved us for what, netscape or IE?
Firefox was a thing, and Google suggested every user to use it before they invented Chrome.
Had a planet full of resources, and thousands of years of rich and interesting cultural development.
Decided to spend all the resources grinding all that culture into a bland paste.
Is… is humanity a shitpost?
This guy never cared about our environment in the first place.
That’s a serious dickhead. Others may try but this guy delivers a master class.
That’s pretty cool. Fuck everyone born after now, I guess. Shitbag.
The most overvalued market is the tech market. The value of all of those cards and circuits are maintained purely through the existence of key monopolies in their production. It’s also the one generation the most unrecycable shit, at least not without consequences to the environment. And now they want to build AI data centers so we can finish making the world warm enough that it is not even possible to run AI data centers due to climate conditions. Brilliant.
“we gotta find SOMETHING, SOMEWHERE, SOMEHOW to justify all this AI garbage or it’s gonna tank the company.”
That would make sense if we were all going to blink out of existence*, but we’re going to still be here, with raisable and lowerable levels of suffering.
“My toe is already stubbed, no reason not to cut both my legs off”
*actually no it wouldn’t because AI is still a massive threat even without the climate getting worse from it.
“Oh well, we lived golden age, tough luck for those young today, fuck’em lmao”
And its the next generation’s fault for making it more warmer