An actual true fact is that some people have nerves that travel from their belly button to their groin so if you go digging around in the scarred back part of your belly button you may have an interesting sensational surprise.
I’m one such person. It’s not actually a fun sensation, sort of overwhelming/vaguely painful, uncomfortable intensity. But it goes directly into my ladybits, and several people I used to know have reported the same.
Another “fun” fact about that nerve is that many abdominal surgeries will move it around and the healing can make it sensitive. Had that happen to me and when I would move, it would send a very slight shooting pain through my groin and would be amplified in the genitalia region to become actual pain.
I personally found this somewhat charming and hilarious but if it hurt any worse it wouldve been my worst enemy.
I so wish this were true.
It is but you’re already running on factory settings.
nah. ive definitely fucked up this install.
Instructions unclear: stuck a finger in my belly button and got peepee tingles
Nothing happened :/
I’m not sure I like my factory defaults anymore
is that why I forget everything when picking my ear?
Memory corruption?
It doesn’t have to be a finger.
As a rule of thumb.
Aural sex?
Is this funny?