Call Me Mañana

🇧🇷 Latino-Americano. Estudante de Física. Marxista.

A propósito, eu uso Arch.

🇻🇦 Latinus-Americanus. Discipulus Physicae. Marxista.

Ipse Arch utor per viam.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • Even if it’s just the OS keeping apps on memory for faster launches. If you do need heavy RAM for a task your OS is clever enough to reshuffle things.

    The problem is that when it is relocated, processor consumption increases. And as matter of fact, my operating system doesn’t cache anything and still opens applications very quickly, even faster than Windows.

    Used RAM does use more electricity but that is so neglible it’s a non-issue and no argument.

    Maybe isn’t a issue to you but for anyone with a laptop it is and it’s pretty visible.

  • Also, please, don’t fall for the Reddit (and now Lemmy) bizarre habit of showing a screenshot of Windows using 4 GBs of RAM and claiming “iT’s AlL tHe bLoaT” because that’s not how Windows’ RAM allocation has worked for the past two decades.

    RAM usage is RAM usage, and besides the allocation still being awful and you probably having less RAM available in a heavy task, this means substantial power consumption, that costs money.

    You can think that it’s normal to do a bunch of things that threaten the system stability to get an OS that barely pretends it’s not spying on you anymore. I do not think it’s. I don’t think it’s normal to have to disable advertising on a paid system, but to each their own “¯_(ツ)_/¯”.

  • What is the conclusion of this statement?

    First: nothing you buy will ever be free from exploitation under this system.

    Second: buying one product over another will make no difference in society and the world.

    Actually, this second conclusion is also a derivation of another statement: individuals do not change a society, collectives do. Boycotts, which are another attempt at conscious consumption, sometimes manage to shut down companies, but they never manage to end the harmful production pattern that these companies were applying in the first place.

    And that doesn’t mean we should stop consuming everything, because it’s impossible to live without consuming.

    In the end, conscious consumption only serves to feel good (falsely) about yourself. What is an honest reason to do something.