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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I hear you about it just being an evolution of the propaganda machine. And I think it’s going to reveal cracks in the system. That it’s going to rip the bandaid off faster than climate change which is the slow peel we’re all dealing with already.

    Harm reduction would be investing money in government regulation. Lobbying for government regulation. Usually this is seen as a disaster for business, but in this case it would throttle competitors too. And possibly save a lot of lives. Because this sort of automated propaganda is going to create a lot of fascist regimes all over the planet. Propped up by the illusion of democracy.

    More so than it already is.

  • I just heard a news report on OpenAI developing technology to make deep fakes easier. They realized this could cause harm. So they’re only releasing it to a few educational institutions.

    This is harm reduction. And I realize corporate ethics is something of an oxymoron. But something along these lines was what the original person was meaning by a harm reduction approach by microsoft. If they’re aware their technology is going to cause harms to democracy, they have an ethical duty to reduce those harms. Unfortunately, corporations often put ethical duties to increase shareholder value first. That doesn’t mean they don’t have other ethical responsibilities too.

  • It’s free. I believe, Best Buy packages it all up and ships it to China. I believe Chinese companies pay for the waste, and then pay very poor people to pick through it for valuable (and toxic) metals. A lot of the metals etc. end up in the groundwater. In other words, it’s still mostly pollution, but dropping it off at Best Buy makes it someone else’s pollution…

    Not sure how to feel about all of it to be honest. I still recycle at Best Buy, but it’s kinda like recycling plastic in the municipal recycling, I know most of it ends up in the garbage, and thus as pollution, ultimately. But I still put it where it’s ‘supposed’ to go.