Its surely not the millions in management salary each month…
Its surely not the millions in management salary each month…
A friend of mine whose decisionmaking I respect a lot. Good balance of logic and empathy. He would be an awesome president and hed hate me for dumping that shitton of responsibility on him. Wouldnt want to be in his shoes. Also id miss him, but its for the best.
I love the phrase “booze or hard drugs”, while alcohol is one of the hardest drugs you can find out there. Just because its legal doesnt make it harmless.
I donno. For a million dollars Id easily work 7 days a week for a year and then chill for 20 years.
That may be the case. I will need to conduct my own research^^
- that sugary sweets make kids act “hyper”
Do you happen to have a source for that? Coz I have witnessed kids act like a horde of wild monkeys on crack right after eating dessert on multiple occasions.
Oh but you need to consider the overall spending on healthcare, not per-capita. That would be around 100-10000 times more than any other cointry. /s
Also I hope that its clear that spending money on healthcare while not providing healthcare does not make it any better.
I dont understand how anyone could criticize a per-capita statistic. It is completely logical to compare coutries by size. Or if not, we need to start talking about China being number one in almost everything in the world. Just having many people who contribute relatively little doesnt make your country more generous.
I guess the absurdity of the situation doesnt come across just through the post and it sounded like the KPop was the part that upset you.
Youre saying if it was Taylor Swift you wouldve made the same post? Hard doubt, but only you would know.
Keep pressing “back” instead of 0 because it comes after 9, so infuriating!!!
So the singers need to be from your town? How local is local enough? I think you have a very specific arbitrary border in mind.
TV channels show what people pay them to? Thats news! surprised pikachu
Tip 1% whenever they dont offer a realistic choice
I see, thats actually good practice, just unusual. The “who” also sounds less odd.
Not a native speaker but the last one, using ‘it’ instead of ‘they’ would sound the most natural to me
Love how you responded to this comment twice giving exactly opposite advice
I dont understand, whats the infuriating part? How it would look without the filter? Is the image supposed to be an inspiration for filtering politics?
Edit: Ah I see, the horizontal lines represent filtered posts and there are a lot. To be fair, c/news has a looot of posts, sometimes I scroll past 10-15 in a row. Some are more relevant than others. Also, to answer your (kinda rhetoric) question, Lemmy is my main news source so I want to see the politics stuff.
Yes of course I realize it and Im often saying exactly that. The problem is when capital equals political power, which results in a downward spiral where as large a portion of the population as possible is kept at the bare minimum of survival for the benefit of the few.