• 7 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 16th, 2023

  • it happens in movies because it happens in real life too. when in crisis, often there is sense of loss of control or autonomy. for most, something that can provide an outlet for such a frustration is one’s appearance. and, while men do too, women broadly tend to have the more intimate relationship with their hair. so: haircut (or hair dye, or both).

  • spujb@lemmy.cafetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    4 months ago

    this comment section has been so enlightening about the makeup of this side of the fediverse. and all i can say is i am so sorry. i always guessed it was a male-heavy makeup but i never thought it would precipitate this badly.

    this community usually veers leftist and toward respecting human dignity, but it appears as soon as women express the pain and fear that is forced upon them for merely existing all of that is lost and their comments are getting 30/70 downvoted, even in conversations where folks have already acknowledged the caveat of the importance of non-alienating.

    it’s clear there is a lot of work to be done when one of the most progressive communities i have ever followed is so packed with malinformed spite as soon as the subject comes to humans asking for the basic privilege of safety.

  • spujb@lemmy.cafetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    4 months ago

    the difference is that the patriarchy exists and favors men. there is no systematic structure that puts Muslims above others, at the expense of others, in a way that is parallel to what the patriarchy does.

    i get what you are saying, and maybe not too long ago i was professing quite similar feelings, but i encourage you to self interrogate how big of a difference that is. truly hope this is helpful.

  • It’s all marketing. You likely only know that Dominos had the system patented because it slaps a big patent number right on the tracker. The fact that you’re discussing it is essentially free advertising and increases brand awareness. So, this post suggests that the investment in patent lawyers was likely worthwhile for the company.

    Largely, consumers seem to derive the below listed perceptions when they recognize that a product is protected by a patent:

    1. When a message about a product being protected by a patent is conveyed, the company as a whole is perceived to be innovative
    1. The patented product is perceived to be superior
    1. The patented product is perceived to be unique, as no one else can copy the patented product

    from https://www.invntree.com/blogs/using-patents-marketing-tool-good-bad-and-ugly

    (this is not a defense of any of these practices; simply indicating what is going on here)

  • genuine question: why call the police anyway? say the tesla driver was right and there was no compatibility. what were they thinking the rivian driver is gonna do? worst case scenario is they are gonna realize their mistake and… leave?

    like how is this different from me seeing someone accidentally filling a minivan with diesel and calling the fucken cops about it? i feel there is something more malicious going on here than “a need for education” unless i am missing something.

  • sorry buddy but you did transphobia. whether or not you are in the mood to label it as such that’s what it was.

    i have beef with power tripping mods as much as you but this is in no way an example of that.

    edit: also it was a three day ban? i have seen folks permabanned for similar. be thankful you are allowed to return, look inwards and do some self examination instead of complaining.

  • I can’t tell if you are purposefully taking the post literally just to be able to shoot it down.

    Most people here are taking the post literally. A smaller, not insignificant but smaller, number are reading satire/irony (regarding tax exemption) into it but that does not mean there is only one valid interpretation.

    Pro tip, if you need to reject the majority reading of a rhetorical post in order to defend it, that’s an indication you might be the one who is approaching in bad faith. Either that or the post is indefensible and needs rewritten.

    I happen to agree with your position too, but just be careful about calling that commenter out for something as benign as taking a straightforward text literally.

  • I don’t disagree with you per se? I simply haven’t seen empirical evidence to support this statement:

    Christians in the US demonstrably [don’t] care about the poor that much these days.

    Meanwhile the evidence that the ultra wealthy are actively screwing over the lower class piles up daily. If you have a citation for that thesis above I’d love to talk.

  • spujb@lemmy.cafetoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldJust 2 people.
    5 months ago

    Post and my comment are about homelessness. Categorically, neither the post nor my comment were about taxes. So you changed the subject without even indicating you were doing so. 🙄

    Awesome cool thank you for your contribution. But yeah glad to see we agree on an entirely tangentially related topic.

    Edit: You are free to discuss taxes. But stop trying to frame it as a disagreement with my position which had nothing to do with taxes. Do it elsewhere where relevant.