• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • This doesn’t seem overly useful.

    It’s a list taken out of a bunch of books with no regard for how something can be the best path in one language and a smell in another language.

    Look at this page for example: https://luzkan.github.io/smells/imperative-loops

    It suggests using functional loop methods (.map(), .reduce(), .filter()) instead of using imperative loops (for, for in, for each) but completely disregards the facts that imperative loops also have access to the break, continue, and return keywords to improve performance.

    For example: If I have an unsorted list of 1000 cars which includes a whole bunch of information per car (e.g. color, year manufactured, etc…), and I want to know if there were any cars were manufactured before the year 1980, I can run an imperative loop through the list and early return true if I find one, and only returning false if I haven’t found one by the end of the list.

    If the third car was made in 1977, then I have only iterated through 3 cars to find my answer.

    But if I were to try this with only functional loops, I would have to iterate through all 1000 cars before I had my answer.

    A website with blind rules like this is going to lead to worse code.

  • I’m under the impression that there’s two reasons we don’t have it in chromium yet:

    1. Google initially ignored jpeg-xl but then everyone jumped on it and now they feel they have to create a post-hoc justification for not supporting it earlier which is tricky and now they have a sunk cost situation to keep ignoring it
    2. Google today was burnt by the webp vulnerability which happened because there was only one decoder library and now they’re waiting for more jpeg-xl libraries which have optimizations (which rules out reference implementations), good support (which rules out libraries by single authors), have proven battle-hardening (which will only happen over time) and are written safely to avoid another webp style vulnerability.

    Google already wrote the wuffs language which is specifically designed to handle formats in a fast and safe way but it looks like it only has one dedicated maintainer which means it’s still stuck on a bus factor of 1.

    Honestly, Google or Microsoft should just make a team to work on a jpg-xl library in wuffs while adobe should make a team to work on a jpg-xl library in rust/zig.

    That way everyone will be happy, we will have two solid implementations, and they’ll both be made focussing on their own features/extensions first so we’ll all have a choice among libraries for different needs (e.g. browser lib focusing on fast decode, creative suite lib for optimised encode).

  • The windows 11 teams runs better, but if you’re using a school or work account, you need to use the old AngularJS+Electron version, or the new React+Webview2 version.

    So for the time being, the Windows 11 teams is more catered for personal use only. It’s kind of like a modern reboot of Microsoft’s old MSN Messenger. It was included in Windows 11 (rebranded as “Chat”) but it’s been unbundled from Windows 11 installs and I think rebranded again. But not having the school/work account support means not a lot of people use it.

    The transition between the AngularJS+Electron version and the React+Webview2 versions is happening now. At some point soon, anyone who is running an OS too old to run the new teams will be forced to use the browser version.

    So after their transition, we’ll have to wait and see if they add the school/work account support to the native version because everyone using teams right now only uses those accounts.

  • There’s a reason Teams is/was shit.

    The first teams was written in AngularJS (which is a slow to run resource hog, but fast to develop) wrapped in Electron. It was kind of a minimum viable product, just to build something quickly to get some feedback and stats on what people needed.

    The plan was to build a new native version of teams and build it into the next windows while having an web fallback (built on react) for everyone else.

    They stopped working on the original teams and started working on the new versions.

    They got half-way through working on the native and react versions when suddenly, covid happened.

    They couldn’t keep working on the new versions because they wouldn’t be ready for a while, so they had to go back and resume development on the old one, introducing patch after patch to quickly get more features in there (like more than 2 webcam streams per call).

    Eventually covid subsided and they were able to resume development on the new teams versions.

    Windows 11 launched with a native teams version (which has less features but runs super quick), and the new react based teams (which can now be downloaded in a webview2 wrapper) has been in open beta since late last year (if you’ve seen the “Try the new Teams” toggle, then you’ve seen this). The React+Webview2 teams will replace the AngularJS+Electron version as the default on July 7th.

  • Eh, it’s the same on the Android side of the fence. There are big and small features that Google has been comically slow to crib from iOS.

    I’ve definitely said “fucking finally” to things like overflow scrolling animations,

    Those things like overflow scrolling, keyboard peak, etc… were only held back because Apple would patent it prevent it from being put into Android and would file frivolous lawsuits against other phone manufacturers to try and get them not to use them, even when some android variants already had it built in before apple patented it in the first place. (I still facepalm at apple trying to sue others over a rounded rectangle shaped phone)

    And those patents lawsuits only stopped because other phone companies called bullshit and started threatening apple with their own patents.

    and the “wild” idea that users should get 5+ of major OS releases.

    TL;DR on this point: not much of an issue anymore.

    This isn’t an android/iOS thing, it’s a manufacturer thing. If a chip isn’t supported by it’s manufacturer, then no software on it can be supported. Different manufacturers had different support windows, but Qualcomm became notorious for making chips, then only supporting them for 2 years so they could sell a new “supported” one (and watch the money roll in). Once they saw other the larger players getting pissed off and poking around with the idea of making their own chips, Qualcomm quickly decided that they could support their chips for longer. Now they have to since both Google and Samsung have made public promises for 5-7 year support cycles. Of course, that hasn’t stopped other phones from already reaching 7 years of official support before. (A notable example being Fairphone 2 who used a Qualcomm chip while they were still in their shitty behaviour phase and managed to support it for 7 years, 2 years Qualcomm support then 5 years of their own support despite Qualcomm.)

    Also, when Google was pissed at Qualcomm they decided to start modularising their OS and pulling chunks out of it out of needing direct hardware support. This means that even if chip support were to stop, it would only affect the background / lowest-level-invisible-to-the-user parts of the OS, and all the user visible parts of the OS could be updated independently (starting with Project Treble, and going all out with Project Mainline). This basically means that entire chunks of the OS can be updated the same way an app can be, early 2010 Qualcomm companies be damned.

    This also has the weird thing of android not really being a “version” per se, one phone might have different components of Android 10/11/12/13/14/etc… running at the same time. The components themselves have their own versions.

  • I’m assuming for your example that only one tab is shown at a time?

    In that case, you can do that in vscode, the only difference is the semantics of what is considered a “window”, and what is considered a “tab”.

    To do this in vscode:

    Have one window with four panes, and another window with three panes:

            Window 1         
     │          │          │ 
     │  Pane 1  │  Pane 2  │ 
     │          │          │ 
     │          │          │ 
     │  Pane 3  │  Pane 4  │ 
     │          │          │ 
            Window 2         
     │          │          │ 
     │  Pane 1  │  Pane 2  │ 
     │          │          │ 
     │                     │ 
     │       Pane 3        │ 
     │                     │ 

    You can then switch between your windows (or “tabs” in your example) by keyboard shortcut.

    In vscode, you can make the Panes different files, or even different views of the same file.