Oh!! Haha I didn’t realize that until I read it again 😅 That’s a confusing sentence if you read it the other way. I wonder if there’s a name for sentences that change meaning as you read/hear the later part of the sentence.
Oh!! Haha I didn’t realize that until I read it again 😅 That’s a confusing sentence if you read it the other way. I wonder if there’s a name for sentences that change meaning as you read/hear the later part of the sentence.
This is me, watching my model train and watching the loss go down at every epoch.
You didn’t click it, did you?
Such is the jurisprudence, yes.
The time between these Saddam Hussein memes is always just long enough that they surprise me again and are still funny.
Being fucking funny is also a skill.
Are you explaining my own joke to me? Why?
I’ve heard people say the opposite, “wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire”.
Just the middle 2 cm of the aorta will do.
Nah, they’re English speaking but they just have a cold.
Wait, they’re not? Then what are they?
Henge has made a cool song about them: https://open.spotify.com/track/4JuOwESHQpjnIDltzdHeRu?si=bUrqryKKSneqZHqD6RZpyg
The box that holds the internet!
That looks delicious. Exactly the right amount of frosting to keep the cake nice and moist, but the cake itself stays the main character.