Windows 365 is next
Windows 365 is next
I’ve had one open for years that is empty. I think they’re hoping I eventually put money in it so they can drain it for the years it sat unused.
The (Hard R)epublicans made their opinions known.
He’s been on the list for a long long time.
Hit him again.
Just remember to seed.
When some narc on the internet would say “no homo”, I liked to hit them back with a “yass homo”. Or “homo where?”
Simple solution: Don’t murder them in New York.
Some would argue that to feel like a man is to feel pain.
No! Perfection every time! Especially the first time.
At this point, I’m not even sure what it feels like to be human.
They’ve been collecting this data for over a decade and are just now starting to figure out what to do with it.
I am not hand washing a damn thing. It either goes in or sits in the sink dirty.
How dare you hide your information from them! The nerve!
Sure. Just don’t expect me to get out of bed on your “farm”, Maggie.
“Your data collection into Gmail only! No into chic fila app!”
Yeah… I don’t care. I watch a movie and accept it for what it is. If I’m entertained for a few hours, great. If not, meh. I don’t need critical opinion.
Mine want a two way conversation. And I have stuff to do.
Mine never shut up. Why was my appointment booking an hour?
Or a cannibal. Or the zodiac killer.