More like, you know damn well that Jim keeps passing code reviews without reading a line in them, he’s been talked to, still does it, and you need something actionable to prove it so that you can get someone’s ass in his chair who does their job.
More like, you know damn well that Jim keeps passing code reviews without reading a line in them, he’s been talked to, still does it, and you need something actionable to prove it so that you can get someone’s ass in his chair who does their job.
Never accused them of being smart…
We have. You can buy cheap-ass smartphones at Walmart, etc with ads baked into the OS. Lots of my folks are pretty broke living down in Louisiana and have them. If you need a phone cheap, say for example you can’t afford a real phone and you’re planning to sell some drugs, they’re some of the cheapest usable phones you can get.
Unfortunately that’s more likely a strike against them than in their favor
You are being blackmailed. This is no different than having the boys show up at your front door demanding protection money. Pay us and nobody (read: us) will break your legs. Pay us and nobody will steal your data.
Yeah they won’t speed up shit, that requires investment in infrastructure. They’ll just slow down all existing lanes by 40%, blame it on something unrelated, and then charge you 2.5x as much as you used to pay to get your original speeds back.
I fucking love this post and reference it constantly to my programmer friends. It’s one of my favorite bits of writing to exist, honestly.
For that matter, actually, pretty much everything Peter Welch writes is great. I highly recommend taking a peek through the rest of his blog. I liked it so much I bought one of his books.
Potentially. But probably not at this point. They’d have to do such a huge about-face as to be a completely different game.
By the time I bought D3, with the release of the expansion (and armed with the knowledge that I should do so by prior experience with D2 LOD and even D1 Hellfire), it had actually been made into a half decent game. The true endgame kind of sucks, but it sucked in D2 as well, and up to that point I got a good 200ish hours out of it that I didn’t regret.
D4 is just not good though. It’s a skeleton of a game and the bones are stale. Diablo and Overwatch were the only things I was still holding out any hope for Blizzard for and they pretty much ruined both those franchises. So I won’t be buying Actiblizz products anymore. They’ve made their point.
I’ll believe a corporation is a person when I see Texas fuckin’ execute one.
Depends on the project. Dwarf Fortress for instance survived about a dozen years completely on donations. But that’s a video game, not a tool (and one that people feel quite strongly about as well).
… I don’t, actually, I’ve been using ClassicShell basically since the day Win10 came out and it’s always worked perfectly. Don’t think I’ve even updated it actually.
(Not OP) Point taken, but in that case the solution should also be obvious. Just use a different one that does provide that. If the product sucks, hit the bricks. DDG and Kagi are looking for market share, they’d love to have you.
I turned it to Japanese voices so I didn’t have to hear the god awful English voice acting and it’s improved my experience a lot
I hope they add a localization patch so I can change it to something fun like Spanish or German
Dark Arisen just gave you most of the MTX content for free. When you start the game and pull an Eternal Ferrystone out of your bank along with all the starter armor that sells for 500k gold - yeah, that was all MTX gear.
I mean, ha ha funny joke, but realistically, yes. Someone with no money and no friends or family with money is a waste to advertise to. You fly under the radar by virtue of being a statistically bad investment. You’ll still get hit with all the same shotgun-style advertisement that the rest of us do, but you’re unlikely to find yourself being a priority for targeted advertisement. It’s a little bit of a silver lining to an unhappy situation.
Teaching someone the wrong way to do something frequently makes the right way make way more sense. Someone who just copy/pasted 99 near identical if statements understands on a fundamental level when, why, and where you use a for loop much more than someone who just read in the textbook “a for loop is used to iterate elements in a collection”.
You’re not allowed to keep Jackie hopped on stims in the Delamain until you reach Vic but two hours earlier you had a cutscene moment where you stim a hostage to wake her back up from basically death.
It’s fucking bullshit
I genuinely believe something like this is what some of my professors wanted me to submit back in school. I once got a couple points off a project for not having a clarifying comment on every single line of code. I got points off once for not comment-clarifying a fucking iterator variable. I wish I could see what they would have said if I turned in something like this. I have a weird feeling that this file would have received full marks.
Anecdotal, but I’ve never once had a problem with any function of Firefox in the decade I’ve been using it. On the contrary it’s been the most stable browser I’ve had the pleasure of using, orders of magnitude more reliable in all situations than Chrome or Opera ever was.
This post smells of astroturfing. There’s been an awful lot of “why is Firefox so shit?” posts recently, now that Google is proving itself untrustable.