I would not focus on the low pay (that’s a complex problem), but rather the embarrassing fact that this prof cannot get housing in the university dorms. WTF.
from the article:
Others questioned why the university doesn’t offer housing for professors. One commenter shared their own experience: “I was an adjunct professor for a year and realized I would be headed towards homelessness, so I left.”
Surely only administrative incompetence can be the cause of profs not qualifying for dorms. If there is enough professor demand for dorms, they should be organizing a dedicated floor or building for profs.
Consider as well this prof’s academic enthusiasm could be (rightfully) exploited further by putting him in a dorm. He might even be happy to answer questions from other dorm residents after hours.
You don’t seem to be accounting for university image. Are the optics of this worthless? IMO, this guy should pitch a tent on the campus grounds and make a media spectacle of it.
Might be a good test to see how quickly a dorm room can be freed up and administrative red tape overcome.