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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I bought it a few years back but never got that far into it but have seen some YouTube plays of it at the time so I’m curious what’s new. I spent like 400 hours in factorio before bothering to launch a rocket so need fewer games going before starting one of these types. Hopefully Captain of Industry isn’t planning a full release anytime soon.

  • According to the article, quoted.

    Access zones are in place at K-12 schools, and police can arrest or issue tickets to anyone found impeding access, disrupting or interfering with educational activities, or attempting to intimidate an individual within 20 metres (66 feet) of school property,” the province said in a release. Unquoted now…

    What part of that is bad? Nothing says people can’t protest but no one should interfere with kid’s education. Doesn’t say people can’t protest, but they can’t disrupt people who go in there is all which seems fair.

    Edit: forgot to say I can be a bit dense and not realize things so if I’m missing a glaring fact or angle of this please do inform me.

  • Most of this isn’t directly related to the comment but it got me typing.

    I do like the bit where he said he put the rejection letters on a nail, and it was pretty full, think this was his teen years, probably submitting to pulp magazines. It didn’t seem like any time in his life wasn’t filled with wanting to write, and he kept at it (obviously heh) and used the rejections as motivation to improve. He is a pretty good narrator as well, I enjoyed listening to Needful Things read by him, and have listened to On Writing a few times now.

    That man can spin a good yarn, his stories have been a part of my life since I was probably too young to be reading them(not to mention tv and film adaptations) but I was reading at least. Even remember one time getting extra credit for the summer reading program cause I read The Eyes of the Dragon since it was much longer than most kids reading material. I just read whatever and a lot at the time, since no Internet back then.

  • I started that like 10 years ago, unfortunately I have a funky shaped head so it doesn’t look as good as it may on others but I do enjoy the maintenance on it. I can definitely tell these days it won’t grow back like it used to (much thinner on the top, edging back on the top sides). However being able to use a hair trimmer once a week myself is cheap, and less things to do while getting ready in the morning.

    I can understand since society seems to put value on hair but not worrying about it (some confidence) goes a long way. I barely think about it nowadays.

  • To each their own on BG3, I used to play number of tabletop RPG games (many years ago now but a variety) and to me BG3 gives you enough options to feel like you can play as your character rather than just walk between combats, as well as avariety of ways to solve issues. Watching YouTube plays amazes me on the says other people solve the issue. I also used to play the old DnD PC games and it feels much better from my perspective, so that’s probably sways me.

    I can see your view but to me BG3 is more intended as a single player game, especially with the companion interactions, so I can see why multiplayer would be lacking. Thankfully I haven’t had many bugs but have heard of them. For reference I have about 120 hours after trying beta a few goes and only a bit in act 2 so it’s a favorite of mine and am biased.

    Thank you for the recommendation on the mod, I will definitely give that a try and see how the game plays. I keep meaning to reinstall anyways and new mods always give more incentive.

  • You know this isn’t comparable to an aRPG I hope. It’s more comparable to DnD on a computer, so a cRPG. They really have minimal in common besides leveling up and finding gear, though aRPGs make you grind for gear, a cRPG will let you find it through various means. It’s a story game more than killing things game, some of the best outcomes happen when you don’t kill. I don’t play on PlayStation so can’t comment on the bugs but haven’t found many in my many hours on PC even through beta.

  • Software devs and designers usually fall under IT is my understanding but I can see why many people/places would make the distinction. Especially for companies that only write software, their IT would more be the infrastructure, but if they’re only writing software for in house use that’s more on the IT side. I could be completely wrong about this too, just how I saw them grouped.

  • First time my brother mentioned it he thought the live play was a commercial / live racing at first. It sounds silly now but at the time the graphics were much better than anything we were used to in racing games. Also back then it wasn’t unknown to have proper live filming for video game commercials. We were both adults at the time too, unsure if that’s worse or better heh.

    Now I check out Forza Horizon and am like, yeah that’s digital, nice and shiny but definitely digital.

  • Yeah I’ve had it in my library for awhile, played a handful of hours and ended up being off today so thought why not? Can’t get to online mode, I always figured I’d do online mode when it was released. A shame but it happens. Granted I tried right after I could download it so probably not the best time but I was also curious if something like this would come up. I’m sure it’ll get sorted out anyways.