Are you me? I have been off of Twitter and Facebook for years now. Reddit is dead to me. YouTube seems like it’s heading in the shitter. I’ve also been playing more guitar lately too! I’m still early on, I think I’m progressing nicely but I’m firmly in the “novice” stage. Take it from someone who didn’t exercise at all before, you’ll do yourself great even taking a nice walk for 20-30 minutes every day possible. It gets easier everyday, and they become enjoyable.
I have had one of these for a year. It’s real handy but it does on occasion cut out my audio while driving. Happens more when driving with nav on. It’s a little disruptive, but not enough to return it. I’m on an S22 Ultra.
I’m curious about this as well. I know my car can access phone records and contacts for Bluetooth calling outside of AA, but what about everything else? I also thought it was just an external monitor for all of my other apps.