• 2 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2024


  • oberstoffensichtlich@feddit.orgtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldInvestigate
    18 minutes ago

    Oh those silly misleading maps again.

    In 1946 all the territory was under British rule as the British Mandate for Palestine. Palestinian was no separate identity back then. There were Palestinian Arabs and Jews. Lots of Jews called themselves or their organizations Palestinian like their newspaper, orchestras, or airlines.

    The green marked area encompasses not only land privately owned by Muslim, Druze, Christians, but also all state owned land. The orange is only privately owned Jewish land. So this is very misleading labeling.

    The 1947 partition plan was rejected by Arab Palestinians. They didn’t want it. It was never implemented. The Jewish state was assigned the bigger territory, however a huge part of that was the mostly uninhabitable Negev desert in the south.

    The 1949-1968 map is also incorrectly labeled. Gaza was occupied by Egypt and the West Bank was annexed by Jordan.

    The only time Palestinian land is actually ruled by Palestinians is on the last map.

    The whole map completely disregards the native Druze, Samaritans, and Bedouins.

  • oberstoffensichtlich@feddit.orgtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldInvestigate
    60 minutes ago

    You are right, that you didn’t directly state you wanted the destruction of Israel. I read it in the subtext.

    Israel’s support in the west has declined over the war in Gaza for sure. However if its existence were threatened support would skyrocket.

    Israel still has lots of friends despite the way they are behaving. The consequences for Israel so far have been some minor sanctions.

    If Israel were attacked on a large scale now, it would absolutely get support by the USA, Germany, India, and other Western countries.

    Who do you expect to pose a military threat to Israel? Jordan and Egypt aren’t interested in a war and are occupied with stability at home. Syria is in shambles. Hezbollah is good at harassing Israel and defending against invasion, but no existential threat. A nuclear armed Iran is the biggest threat and Israel’s main adversary.

    Maybe you can outline a scenario where you see Israel fall.

  • oberstoffensichtlich@feddit.orgtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldInvestigate
    1 hour ago

    So you want the violent destruction of Israel, as far as I understand. Israel, the only Jewish state in the world. A safe haven for Jews persecuted all over the world. A state that was established by the right to self determination of the Jewish people.

    You place your hope in the US stopping the support of Israel, a highly unlikely event. The US only became a major supporter of Israel during the Yom Kippur war in 1973. Before that they bought their arms and received nuclear technology from France.

    Even if let’s say the USA stops all arms sales to Israel. They would be able to adapt. Today Israel has an extremely good relationship with India. Israeli technology plus Indian manufacturing would enable Israel to do quite well. The relationship with Arab neighbors has improved significantly as well, as they recognize Iran as the true danger to the region’s peace and stability.

    The US would lose Israel’s exceptional intelligence skills in the region. That’s not in their interest.

    Fever dreams like yours to throw the Jews into the sea have fueled this conflict ever since it heated up in the 1920s.