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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2024


  • Well yeah, that’s what you get when you don’t pay your rent.

    Seriously, society needs to stop cherry picking who’s more deserving than whom. There are 653,000 homeless Americans in this country. All living on lower than low standards, barely squeeking by another day and everything. They’re now on the podium for the right to even sleep on the streets and parks.

    Yet, they suddenly don’t matter because oh, this one single 93 year old person is evicted and now will be on the streets. I again ask - what makes her the exception? What makes her special? Stop treating everything like a damn off-on switch and continue focusing on the bigger picture that would prevent and resolve problems like these.

  • This is very surreal right now with what we’re dealing with.

    Firefox is leaning towards AI but promised for years and years about how private it is and how they won’t do anything to your data.

    DDG promised the same thing and was seen as the Anti-Google/Bing for a long time, now it’s dealing with AI and our data is now on the table again.

    Why, guys?