Yeah, most infotainment systems hide their memory leaks behind the fact that when you turn the car off, you reset the computer. Not so in an always on EV.
Yeah, most infotainment systems hide their memory leaks behind the fact that when you turn the car off, you reset the computer. Not so in an always on EV.
Honestly that’s the best possible name for it.
All his experience and education was “free” in the context of his experiment. He didn’t start that experiment with zero experience, and he did start it with zero debt.There are plenty of smart, motivated, people who have to give up on their actual life dreams to take care of sick family members, not just on their latest vanity project like this asshat.
JavaScript: :wide eyed and smiling: Sure why not! You’re the boss!
Python: Sighing and downing half a bottle of Advil: Sure. Why not, you’re the boss.
The scripting language formerly known as Java.
Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so.
One major point this article overlooks is that CO2 is a byproduct of the iron ore -> steel process. It uses carbon to bind the oxygen molecules in the iron ore (which is mostly Iron Oxide) to produce pure iron and CO2.
It IS possible to create new iron in an induction or electric arc furnace, but you still need to add carbon to drive the chemical reaction that actually purifies the ore.
That said, there are other elements (such as hydrogen which is mentioned once) that can be used to bind with the oxygen instead of carbon, it’s just that most of them do so violently. Engineering around that volatility isn’t trivial, and sourcing them introduces new logistical problems.
Ultimately, I think forcing carbon capture as part of the process is probably the easiest way to solve the problem. It’s not like taking CO2 out of regular air: it is being produced in a controlled environment as part of an industrial system, so engineering a way to separate the carbon and oxygen before it leaves that system should be very feasible.
that’s amazing.
Where’s all the “solar panels and batteries are just as bad as oil” people.
Tabs are a dark pattern confirmed.
The war is over, long live spaces.
At worst, they might cancel the subscriptions. I imagine trying to give the money back (get the charges reversed) is the labor intensive part.
I’m going to rename my NAS “online discussions” in your honor.
Unsolicited fact: Heinz picked the number 57 at random, it just sounded like good marketing at a time when things were general marketed as “tonic #4” and the like.
(well, maybe not fact, more like probable truth)
That’s why the cat is smug. It knows you know this.
Good for Ozempic for making something that works and (hopefully) doesn’t cook you alive like those meth diet pills used to in the 80’s.
I was gonna make a joke about a Palantir AI service and then I remembered Palantir is a real company now being run by Morgoth.
Distributed Honor-system Clothes Peg Server
Talk of the Tik Tok ban predates the attack that triggered the current iteration of violence in Israel/Gaza.