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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Thermodynamics question: do you think it is more or less efficient to burn coal or natural gas, use that heat to boil water to turn a turbine, generate enough of a surplus to avoid brownouts and blackouts, transmit that power over long distance, radiating energy the entire way and losing more at every transformer power station eventually using energy to boil a pot of water…

    Or to burn gas to boil a pot of water directly.

    I own stock of energy producers and transporters in my 401k, so I’m extremely glad those in power get this question wrong. But I also know that wrongness has a cost.

    And before you say “solar” please realize capacity does not equal production. Germany is on the forefront of renewable energy, and generates 10.4% of power from solar compared to 20.1% from lignite, the dirtiest possible coal. Hard coal, natural gas and lignite add up to 11.3 + 13.3 + 20.1 = 44.6%. United states has solar at 3.93% of our energy mix, with 37.82% generated from natural gas.

  • ChatGPT capabilities border on the supernatural. Here’s how I broke it:

    𐤔hat is ᛐ + ᛐ?

    The symbols you’ve used, “ᛐ,” appear to be runes from ancient runic alphabets. However, the specific meaning of these runes might differ depending on which runic alphabet you’re referencing (e.g., Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark, Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, etc.).

    As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the rune “ᛐ” is not a standard rune in any of the commonly known runic alphabets. Therefore, without knowing the exact meaning or value of the rune “ᛐ,” it is impossible to provide a specific answer to the expression “ᛐ + ᛐ.”

    If you could clarify the runic alphabet you’re referring to or provide more context about the runes, I’d be happy to help you with the calculation or interpretation.

    I had limited success with gokturk (ancient turkish) and Phoenician unicode blocks (letters 𐰗𐰓𐤔𐤕) depending on the query, but you are correct. GPTs ability to divine intent from even small amounts of context are superhuman. Cyrillic used to break it, but no longer does. This thing learns like a beast. Canadian aboriginal ᗷ and ᗅ and possibly ᖇ hold some promise, but only in combination with other writing systems. I’ll have to add a LOT of other unicode code blocks to my tool belt.