Certainly nut the most creative joke
Certainly nut the most creative joke
Joke’s on you, I never figured out how to leave vim!
Jesse wasn’t good at chemistry.
It does sound borderline war crime, but then again the US buried thousands of Iraqi soldiers alive in the first gulf war, but our lawyers also did the mental gymnastics to justify it not being one beforehand so presumably they have some justification so its just barely legal. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-09-12-mn-2959-story.html
That being said, its not like Russia is being super careful about its rules of engagement.
Why is the default that it isn’t? I’m saying we shouldn’t have an admin enforced default not force one or the other People give terrible advice regarding pet care, child rearing and everything else. Why is this any different? Should we ban all content with exotic pets like parrots or sugar gliders because they overwhelmingly do poorly in captivity?
Isn’t that kind of the point of having open communities, so that you can decide what does and doesn’t belong in your community without some centralized censor coming in and deciding what is acceptable in your community unless it’s illegal or actively harmful?
If you have definitive sources that vegan cat food with the appropriate taurine supplements aren’t ok for normal healthy cats then you can make an argument that that’s animal abuse, but otherwise you’re just applying your own preconceptions to their community.
They’re more of a “get off my lawn, and I’m serious” kind of aggressive than an “I’m hungry” kind of aggressive.
Damn, even with inflation? You must be super on guard. That being said. I will turn on my A game to shave $0.50 off of a set of coasters from a tourist shop while on vacation.
Its not about playing it, its about being able to play it for the first time. You can only explore a video game world once, every other time is just revisiting it.
I didn’t know that how you were supposed to do it. They really should put the preparation instructions on the box.
It’s easier said than done. A few key pieces took decades to figure out and even now many can only be produced by one or two companies, like ASML.
Regardless of what one might think should happen or expect to happen, the actual psychological effect is harmful to the victim. It’s like if you walked up to someone and said “I’m imagining you naked” that’s still harassment and off-putting to the person, but the image apps have been shown to have much much more severe effects.
It’s like the demonstration where they get someone to feel like a rubber hand is theirs, then hit it with a hammer. It’s still a negative sensation even if it’s not a strictly logical one.
Right the issue was more because they’re so easy to throw in without thinking about it so people overuse them. That may just be older devs complaining about newbies though.
Oh interesting. I didn’t realize boost was the main issue. Most people I’ve talked to were complaining about VTables introducing a bunch of indirection and people blindly using associative containers.
I don’t think its the ergonomics of the language he has an issue with. If anything C++1x probably just made the original critiques of bloat worse.
Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with.
Careful, sounds like that one might foam up out of the bottle.
How do you exit vim, and more importantly why would you even want to exit vim?
If you’re not willing to pay the asking rate, you don’t steal it doesn’t seem like a news worthy story.