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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • 768 votes wth is wrong with Americans bruh


    If you can create a successful grassroots political party in an environment where your party members and constituents are constantly attacked, murdered, bombed, jailed, tortured, votes faked, votes destroyed, and vote miscounts, you can definitely pull it off in the USA.

    It took Pakistan only 20 years to cause a collapse of their corrupt 2 party system and challenge the military dictatorship. People never believed PTI would mount any sort of challenge, but they did by building a solid populist movement, despite facing all of the above.

    The “you must vote the lesser evil” is a fallacy that both parties in the USA perpetuate in an attempt to convince you to believe 3rd party voting is a waste of time.

    You can’t just sit back and complain about the rigged system like “but muh first past the poll voting” as if either Democrats or Republicans will change the system in any way to make it easier for their rivals.

    This is exactly why I dislike the Democratic party in particular so much. They are a corporate monolith that pretends to care about your leftist demands by handing out pennies worth of change to get your vote, then the second they refuse to actually significantly change something you demand, they have the audacity to blame you, the voter, for not sucking up to their shitty policies when they inevitably lose the election.

    Current case in point: "There is no genocide in Gaza, and we believe we can win without our constituents because our opponent is a mentally insane baby ".

    Shittiest take on this community by far.

  • I’d say about 99% is the same.

    Two notable things that were different were:

    • Podman config file is different which I needed to edit where containers are stored since I have a dedicated location I want to use
    • The preferred method for running Nvidia GPUs in containers is CDI, which imo is much more concise than Docker’s Nvidia GPU device setup.

    The second one is also documented on the CUDA Container Toolkit site, and very easy to edit a compose file to use CDI instead.

    There’s also some small differences here and there like podman asking for a preferred remote source instead of defaulting to dockerhub.

  • Yeah I should have mentioned the context is FBLA, and Google partially fixed the prompt.

    Original from a few weeks ago:

    BPA is another student org called Business Professionals of America

    The AI ignores the subject context and just compares whatever is the most common acronym.

    They lazy patched it by making the model do a subject check on the result, but not on the prompt so it still comes back with the chemical lol.

  • Yeah one of the reasons I brought up Sydney is because there’s an entire massive rural area of Australia with people living in practically the middle of nowhere.

    Which is why they have their infamous truck trains that drive for days just to transport supplies around.

    But when you hit the city, the landscape instantly changes. It’s almost cool going from seeing outback trucks to JDM wrx and evos everywhere, lol. I assume it’s because only gear heads and enthusiasts keep cars around because they have metro, busses, and a water ferry that takes you around.

  • Car is so much more convenient.

    (Okay before you read this, this assumption is for Cities only. Rural areas do not apply at all lol. Suburbs are also still part of cities)

    This is actually an effect of creating a car centric infrastructure and city planning revolving around roads and parking.

    You have to imagine for a moment what an entire city would look like without cars as the core transportation method. For starters, suburbs wouldn’t be a thing, everything would be spaced about 4-8x closer, large supermarkets would be rare, especially grocery stores, pedestrian and cyclist traffic would be the most common form of transportation, and then busses/streetcars, and then trains.

    You would likely be getting groceries more frequently, but it would be an average 7 minute walk to your local grocery store, and a flat 3 minute cycle if you don’t want to carry any groceries and put in even less effort than walking. Busses and trains would be reserved for mostly commercial traffic like traveling to work, city center, or other neighborhoods.

    There are plenty of real life examples of cities and entire countries that are developed like this. Netherlands is always brought up, but places like Sydney follow this planning despite also having a lot of cars. Even several US cities were like this in the early 1900-1940s.

    The reason busses and trains absolutely suck in the USA, is that it is treated as secondary transport. Busses are rarely running with enough frequency to make them viable, and they have to travel the same distance and use the same roads as cars, because every neighborhood was designed to accommodate cars first. There should be almost no need to get on a Bus to do grocery shopping.

    Same logic applies to trains. Lots of people drive first to take the train, which makes it much less effective. Also the USA hasn’t properly invested into rail for like 70 years, so every system you see is slow as hell and never on time.

  • iirc due to some anti trust lawsuits, they cannot do that anymore.

    But it’s still easy to coerce OEMs to run Windows because they offer stuff like quick support and standardized IT support.

    If an OEM ships Linux, they don’t want to have to make an entire department to help troubleshoot the OS for users who will inevitably call for help. Ignoring them would only result in returns and loss of sales.

    I think some thinkpads actually do ship with some distro like redhat or opensuse as an option, but that’s because thinkpads are very popular in the business space which means lots of CS people use them, so it helps save some cost from a windows license that won’t get used.

    Like I said though, if windows really dives into the deep end, I think a potential market would open and some OEM will take a chance on it.

  • In a different article, he said he had issues with the ext4 maintainer who was acting high and mighty about C despite being responsible for a number of huge CVEs from code that he wrote.

    That being said, I don’t really see the benefit of rewriting modules in Rust.

    Technically, it’s still not a 1:1 replacement because Rust will many times not generate the exact same machine code as C, which does result in a small loss of speed (and in some small cases, vice versa).

    It’s acceptable for anything new, but unless there’s a notoriously painful part of the kernel, there’s no pont in redoing existing parts and even core userspace binaries.

    C quite literally makes you manipulate memory like a caveman holding a machine gun, but that’s important because it’s exactly what the machine is doing, which is required when you need to maximize efficiency. In Rust, you’d have to abstract some of that to the compiler to handle your logic which doesn’t match what a machine is doing. There is no such thing as “borrowing” and “ownership” in machine code.

  • Not to be that guy but why not use Curve25519?

    I still remember all the conspiracies surrounding NIST and now 25519 is the default standard.

    In 2013, interest began to increase considerably when it was discovered that the NSA had potentially implemented a backdoor into the P-256 curve based Dual_EC_DRBG algorithm.[11] While not directly related,[12] suspicious aspects of the NIST’s P curve constants[13] led to concerns[14] that the NSA had chosen values that gave them an advantage in breaking the encryption.[15][16]