That’s the 2010 series
That’s the 2010 series
I use it. Its not great. The touchscreen will freeze randomly requiring a reboot. Sometimes just a reboot isn’t enough. U have to unplug it, shut down, then it’ll work. Its good otherwise. I can run 100 minecraft mods just fine
Using autocorrect with onboard on Wayland crashes onboard sooo
I use fedora btw
its wired
its wired and i run fedora 40
gjs-osk has a swipe up from the bottom gesture
u can have a icon in the panel to invoke it
gjs-osk gnome extension is extremely good but i hate gnome
I like this meme but installing nvidia drivers is easy tho?
mapping the joystick to wasd worked!
i use antimicrox and see no option to combine
ya. i might just map the joystick to wasd
Yes to both
actually the controller is in a seperate menu and doesnt exit it upon disconnect. ill try steam input
kinda off topic but will this work in waydroid
i installed that and xclip. i connect and copy and it wont paste
? i said both run linux. my tablet runs linux
It won’t show a file picker for importing subscriptions so rip