• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • you are now dismissively declaring it impossible

    I mean that I can’t read your mind, and it doesn’t enhance discussion for me to assume what you meant.

    There is a parallel in the state violence I’m referring to

    Wait, so you are comparing the two, contradicting your previous comment?

    tangent stuff

    Feel free to argue about it with someone else. I have no interest in arguing about what Dems in general are doing, I’m answering specific claims about Walz.

    One can also take a topic and completely miss the important factors because they have arrived at a false, simple answer.

    Yes, this is exactly what you’ve done, due to black and white thinking.

    Looking at how the cops and national guard behaved

    You’re confused about the situation. I don’t think we’re getting anywhere, so let’s agree on “Fuck MPD”. If you or anyone else is interested, Wikipedia has a pretty good list of police violence during the protests. It’s long, but includes lots of incidents outside of the Twin Cities as well. It can be hard to tell who exactly is responsible for which actions, because a lot of reporting just says “police”, without delineating between MPD vs the National Guard vs other forces. I don’t like cops, but blaming Walz for the MPD doesn’t make sense. Blame this weasel or this piece of shit.

    Interestingly, the most objectionable thing that I remember (the “light 'em up” thing) may have been people unaffiliated with the police or National Guard:

    And it’s unclear which agency the officers in the video are from. Both Minnesota National Guard spokesperson Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé and Minneapolis Police Department spokesperson Garrett Parten told USA TODAY the men in the video were not part of their organizations.

    Of course, you have to balance that against the very real possibility of them lying about it.

    Anyways, you ignored about 2/3 of what I said. Why is that?

    I was picking the most relevant bits, as otherwise conversation tends to explode in size exponentially.

    EDIT: If you want to do a better job of representing hexbear to the wider fediverse, read this and self-crit:


  • Words do matter. I suspect you’re not from the area and was sardonically calling you out for hyperbole that you’re repeating on the internet.

    I expect the people that had Black Lives Matter signs in their windows and a shred of sympathy for Palestinian kids to recognize the inconsistency when it is pointed out […]

    I have no idea how you’re not comparing those two, but trying to argue what you meant is pointless. It certainly looks like you’re trivializing actual genocide by mentioning it at all in this context.

    Such as? If there are a lot I would have expected you to name at least one.

    Whatever Dems in general are up to. I’m just saying I’m not interested in arguing about any of that, regardless of how much I agree with you or not.

    I don’t think we’re going to convince each other on the issue over the internet, but IMO you have a marginally less black-and-white view of what happened than the Fall of Minneapolis people. If you insist on saying that the situation was black, then you’re wrong. It wasn’t white either, but that’s just because your worldview can’t handle the nuance. As one example of the nuance, yes journalists got arrested, but that was not with Walz’s approval:

    Following the arrest of a CNN crew on live television by police on Friday, an apologetic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz promised that journalists would not be interfered with in reporting on violent protests following the death of George Floyd. […] At a later news conference, Walz said that “I take full responsibility. There is absolutely no reason something like that should happen … This is a very public apology to that team.”


    I’m not saying he was perfect, but I would go so far as to say that I bet you wouldn’t have done better in his shoes.

  • There is actually less nuance, it’s just full-blown support for state violence against protesters against racial oppression and genocide.

    Do you live in the Twin Cities? I remember the National Guard coming in well. What exactly did they do that you find objectionable? I’m not claiming that everything was peachy, but calling what happened “state violence against protesters against racial oppression and genocide” is easy to do on the internet where words don’t matter.

    You’ve got a lot of tangents in your comment that aren’t really related to Walz, but comparing what happened with the MN National Guard to what’s happening in Palestine is absurd. I’d expect someone from hexbear to realize how fucked up it is to trivialize that genocide.

  • If you’re writing code that generic, why wouldn’t you want str to be passed in? For example, Counter('hello') is perfectly valid and useful. OTOH, average_length('hello') would always be 1 and not be useful. OTOOH, maybe there’s a valid reason for someone to do that. If I’ve got a list of items of various types and want to find the highest average length, I’d want to do max(map(average_length, items)) and not have that blow up just because there’s a string in there that I know will have an average length of 1.

    So this all depends on the specifics of the function you’re writing at the time. If you’re really sure that someone shouldn’t be passing in a str, I’d probably raise a ValueError or a warning, but only if you’re really sure. For the most part, I’d just use appropriate type hints and embrace the phrase “we’re all consenting adults here”.

  • The collect’s in the middle aren’t necessary, neither is splitting by ": ". Here’s a simpler version

    fn main() {
        let text = "seeds: 79 14 55 13\nwhatever";
        let seeds: Vec<_> = text
            .map(|x| x.parse::<u32>().unwrap())
        println!("seeds: {:?}", seeds);

    It is simpler to bang out a [int(num) for num in text.splitlines()[0].split(' ')[1:]] in Python, but that just shows the happy path with no error handling, and does a bunch of allocations that the Rust version doesn’t. You can also get slightly fancier in the Rust version by collecting into a Result for more succinct error handling if you’d like.

    EDIT: Here’s also a version using anyhow for error handling, and the aforementioned Result collecting:

    use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
    fn main() -> Result<()> {
        let text = "seeds: 79 14 55 13\nwhatever";
        let seeds: Vec<u32> = text
            .ok_or(anyhow!("No first line!"))?
            .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
        println!("seeds: {:?}", seeds);