@Tugboater203 Is that made from spring wheat?
👋 Hi, I’m @n8chz.
👀 I’m interested in reverse engineering, especially under adversarial conditions.
🌱 I’m currently learning operations research, optimization theory, simulation, and statistics.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on volunteer curation of large nonproprietary datasets.
📫 How to reach me … https://codeberg.org/n8chz 😉
@Tugboater203 Is that made from spring wheat?
@ajsadauskas I mainly wanna keep Fedi mostly noncommercial and entirely nonproprietary.
@Rozauhtuno A modern website or mobile app is very intentionally designed to transmit signal (direct observations of behavior, and other actionable data) in one direction and noise (basically bloat) in the other. To forego any monetization opportunity is to leave money on the table, and of course that is a literal sin against the principal-agent principle. If we wanted search to be a utility, content to be a library, communication to be person-to-person, or platforms to come without vendor lock-in, we should have left the Internet in mostly academic hands, as it was in the early 1990s.
@DmMacniel @loaExMachina Yes, and her name is Xue.