eunuch temple priestess
They’re desperate to manufacture consent against their competition
Yes. Ban it. No more traffic to big social media. If something is newsworthy there will be a blog post about it.
I was saying death to Windows.
Big agree. Lemmy is regressive in a few ways some of the time!
A little worried that with swapping those components like that, it’s trying to be too many things for too many different groups of people instead of one exact thing.
I think all I really want is something shaped like this with a keyboard, like an old Blackberry that could be used as a terminal.
I used other Fediverse platforms since about 2022 and was keen to find one that replicated a more reddit-like style.
Hell, in Canada they don’t care at all either.
Super Hexagon
I was here before the Reddit API kerfuffle, because I care about an open and decentralized internet.
Damn this thread really makes me feel like a minority, but I prefer GNOME! It comes useful out of the box, sane defaults, easy to extend without ripping out the soul of how it functions. Best of all it has a new and interesting direction for the desktop UI rather than just copying Windows. It has some original ideas that really serve it well.
I have a French Press
SM57s still can get roughed up pretty bad with the plastic covering on the front of the mic (especially if miking a snare drum with a less than precise drummer). SM58 will survive a nuclear war.
I’ve found that sorting by New Comments is the best way to have a steady stream of interesting stuff on my feed at any given time.
Radeon 7770.
Puzzling Places has been an unexpected joy after I got it in a bundle with Tetris Effect.
Definitely seeing some people complain about the design changes; once my server updates I’m sure I’ll see for myself. But for the most part I’m fairly pleased with the new notification grouping. Long strings of hundreds of people liking the same post over and over meant I missed replies sometimes.
I’m very intrigued, Dan Sup is one of the most interesting people working in the fediverse these days, and I’m very curious about anything he puts forward.
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