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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • On 5 November 1910,[2][3] on her 14th outbound voyage, carrying a mixed cargo including a number of pianos for Chile, Preussen was at 23:35 rammed by the small British cross-channel steamer Brighton 8 nautical miles (15 km) south of Newhaven.[4] Contrary to regulations, Brighton had tried to cross her bows, underestimating her high speed of 16 knots (30 km/h). Preussen was seriously damaged and lost much of her forward rigging (bowsprit, fore topgallant mast), making it impossible to steer the ship to safety.

    Brighton returned to Newhaven to summon aid and the tug Alert was sent to assist Preussen. A November gale thwarted attempts to sail or tug her to safety in Dover Harbour. It was intended to anchor her off Dover, but both anchor chains broke, and Preussen was driven onto rocks at Crab Bay, where she sank as a result of the damage inflicted on her. While crew, cargo and some equipment could be saved from Preussen, with the keel broken she was rendered unsalvageable. She sits in 6 metres (3.3 fathoms) of water at 51°8.02′N 1°22.17′E. The Master of Brighton was found to be responsible for the accident and lost his licence as a result. A few ribs of Preussen can be seen off Crab Bay at low spring tides.

    Wow, that captain messed up big time.

  • jpreston2005@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldRespect your kids.
    1 day ago

    Was going through links on a wholesome subreddit the other day, looking to calm myself down, and happened upon a video of a young teenage girl in an audiologists office getting her cochlear implants turned on. She was emotional, and happy crying, as her mom filmed her. But it just seemed kind of wrong to share? Like, this is a private moment for you and your family, and you can see the moment the girl realizes she’s being recorded, and how she then immediately goes to wipe tears/cover her face.

    I’ve come to revel in the idea of not recording precious moments, just because I don’t want to cheapen them with the inclusion of a smartphone, a screen to separate myself from life happening on the other side. I take a similar approach to good deeds. Do something good, or kind for someone, and then don’t tell a soul. Keep it with you, for you, only. Hoard those moments like a dragon, and whenever you are having a crisis of faith, where you’re unsure as to your own worth, remind yourself of those times you did something kind for no other reason than it was the right thing to do.

  • jpreston2005@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldRespect your kids.
    1 day ago

    It’s not they filming that’s the problem, it’s posting a video of them being vulnerable on social media for everyone to see, and possibly be used against them in the future. Would you be appreciative if the next time you ugly cried, someone took a video of you doing so, adding their commentary, and then posted it for the world to see?

  • I get what you’re saying but let’s not forget this important aspect:

    The Republican-led bill tightened the bankruptcy code, unleashing a huge giveaway to lenders at the expense of indebted student borrowers. At the time it faced vociferous opposition from 25 Democrats in the US Senate.

    But it passed anyway, with 18 Democratic senators breaking ranks and casting their vote in favor of the bill.

    republican bill, that was opposed vociferously by a majority of democrats. The corporatists were the 18 that broke ranks to vote for it, but let’s not lump in all Democrats. Democrats are still the better option by every measure.

  • I think the answer, as an engineer, is to sit and observe the station at busy times, take note of where people are sitting, and put some benches there.

    But the post is really about the disappearance of benches from public spaces in the U.S. as a whole, with the intended effect of keeping the homeless population out of view. Instead of facing the root cause of the homeless epidemic, we’re merely brushing them aside, out of the way, where we can pretend they don’t exist. It’s really awful, and further traumatizes an already at-risk population by reinforcing the idea that they’re not wanted, don’t matter, and aren’t worth helping. They’re people, we should be doing more to help them. The benches aren’t really the issue.

  • Because the bank was insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the FDIC “absorbed the $47.1 million loss” after "Hanes’ fraudulent actions caused HTSB to fail and the bank investors to lose $9 million.

    his sentence of more than 24 years is 29 months longer than prosecutors had requested, NBC News reported.

    Here, the only reason he’s seeing jail time. Not because he stole, but he stole from the rich. Tanking a bank and losing poor peoples money won’t get you anything. But lose rich peoples money, and you’re going down. There are two justice systems in america, and you don’t have access to the one that works.