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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • 🐍🩶🐢@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml2 life pro tips in one meme!
    11 hours ago

    Ok. Let’s do this! If you have a 4 cup pyrex/microwavable measuring cup, it is much easier.

    • Sauce pan with a lid. Nonstick is fine.
    • 2 cups of rice using dry measuring cup
    • 3 cups of water
    • Salt if using unsalted butter
    • 2 tablespoons of butter
    1. Put empty pan on stove and set heat to medium-high. If these are steel pans, stick to medium. Go towards high if nonstick as it takes a bit to heat up.
    2. Put water and butter in microwavable cup and throw it in the microwave until it starts to simmer, maybe 3 minutes? Depends on microwave and dish.
    3. While you are waiting on microwave, put dry rice in pan and gently stir/fold. They will start to turn white, but don’t let them burn. If you need to take the pan off and turn the heat down, do it. We are just preheating the rice and pan up. Add salt if needed.
    4. Get ready. As soon as that water is hot enough to boil or close to, take it out, pour it in the pan. It will be violent.
    5. Do a quick stir, throw the lid on, and turn the heat down to the lowest setting. The water should fully cover the rice.
    6. Walk away. The bottom might toast a little, but that is fine as long as it doesn’t full on burn.

    After 20 minutes or so, you can do a real quick check and if it looks kind of wet, throw the lid back on and wait.

    At this point, you should have perfectly acceptable rice. Take the lid off, stir the rice with a more folding motion to let it steam any additional moisture out.

  • If you want an actual good reason? Car damage. I have seen them roll away into someone else’s car, and even a person. They can also block parking spots and it really sucks when people in the handicap section do it as those then roll in to other spots needed for accessibility. Thankfully my store has tons of cart returns so it isn’t even remotely inconvenient. The employees stay on top of the rest, especially if the handicap section right by the doors gets gnarly. The only time I see some true cart carnage is at Walmart. Those parking lots are terrible.

    I can’t make decisions for you, but I will politely ask you to put the cart away the next time you are at the store. Please and thank you.

  • For context, American. Those were the best 6 weeks of my life as far as work trips go. Having to go by German law was amazing. Unlike the 80-100 hour weeks I was doing at times in the UK for the same customer. The PM on the US side tried to encourage some of the team to work in the hotel after hours, or on their days off, but not let on with the customer who would send you home if they found out. That didn’t go over well. Screw you, I am going to a museum, having delicious schnitzel, beer, and touching some grass.

    Let’s just say that we pretty much begged for future jobs in Germany. Never got to go back, but was definitely one of the few jobs I can fondly look back on.

  • The arrogance of Kent is ridiculous and he sounds like a man-child throwing a neck beard flavored tantrum whenever someone questions the bullshit reality that doesn’t actually exist. This isn’t some dumb application you can run into the ground because you can’t play well with others. This is the fucking linux kernel, and if you can’t fathom how bad it is to throw random “fixes” at the last minute instead of waiting for the next development cycle, you are the problem. I see that shit all the damn time in corporate environments and I am sick of arrogant programmers who can’t understand processes, why they exist, and why they need to be followed.

  • I had a friend do this. It was utter misery for over a year. Most of his teeth were shattered, so he had to wait for a lot of fragments to expel naturally.

    Do not discount pain management that involves opioids. Not saying to use them for weeks nor do I know your personality for bad habits, but if it gets bad please don’t suffer for no reason. Getting ibuprofen or acetaminophen with low dose codine may be a good middle ground and is even available over the counter in some countries. Extended pain is mentally exhausting and isn’t worth the hit on your mental health.

    f you are struggling taking pills, get liquid ibuprofen. Sometimes you can get a chemist to make a suspension for you, otherwise get childrens. I do that if my throat gets too infected and I am unable to swallow. Honestly, it works far better than the pills and I needed a lot less.

    Best thing is to be honest with your doctors, even if you do not want anything stronger. Be sure to communicate any discomfort due to ill fitting dentures. Ask questions if anything unexpected comes up. My friend’s doctor was super shitty and didn’t even tell him about all of the left over fragments that still had to come out on their own.

  • No idea about which specific type of business it is, but keeping that history long term can have some benefits, especially to outside people. Some government agencies require companies to keep records for a certain number of years. It could also help out in legal investigations many years in the future and show any auditors you keep good records. From a historical perspective, it can be matched to census, birth, and death certificates. A lot of generational history gets lost.

    Companies also just hoard data. Never know what will be useful later. shrug

  • You have to walk… barefoot. My feet are messed up and I have some impressive callouses on the balls of my feet. They are a little better after surgery, but recovery sucked. Ultimately, your feet build up protection. Caking on mud probably helped. Animal skins, rudimentary sandals from various plants, and other natural resources could provide extra protection. Unfortunately, we have built an environment made for shoes and evolution is doing the rest. Walking on pavement is not great without shoes. Especially when it bakes. Walking on soil and grass feels a lot better.

  • Well, since you may be forced to use it, here are some utilities to make it better: Rectangle Pro - 200% necessary. $10. Worth every penny. Cleanshot X Homebrew AltTab iTerm2 Oh My Zsh Karabiner Elements may be useful if you need macros/key bindings.

    Also, this is cross platform, but giving a shout-out to Obsidian. With a couple plugins, it is a fantastic notes app that is markdown based.

    There are plenty of things that are irritating in OSX, but there is a lot I like after using it for a while. Most of the irritations are gone with the above utilities. Unlike Windows, I didn’t have to spend a whole bunch of time debloating the OS and advertisements are not shoved in my face. I probably turned it off, but I don’t have a damn digital assistant shoved in my face either. Both Linux and OSX (which is Unix) have very clean interfaces. As someone with severe ADHD, an overly distracting UI will stress me out. A lot.

    I do have some rather strong feelings about what they are doing with permissions in the Sequoia beta, but I also get what they are trying to achieve. iOS though is torture. I will say that for my iPad that it has improved a lot in 18, but I have 0 desire to ever have an iPhone. iPad is still ultimately hindered by the OS. The iPad Pro has an absurd amount of power, but the restrictions in iPad OS hobble what it is truly capable of.

  • This reminds me a lot of AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robot), except the Omron ones I have been working with are super dumb. I wish they would honk or give better indication that they are incapable of parking or going around each other. Those Waymo cars at least seem to be able to figure it out.

    Not to say all AMRs are that bad. I have seen some really good systems, but it all comes down to the software and configuration. I know this is Fuck Cars, but the technology that goes into those Waymo is an amazing feat of engineering. I am amused that they didn’t think too hard on the sound pollution and disturbances.