No good Sir, I’m on the level.
No good Sir, I’m on the level.
One of the lessons I have learned as an engineer is that device quality doesn’t matter if you do not need a high quality device. There are times when you need a high quality press. Squeezing juice out of a pouch is not one of them. All of that extra quality you bought is doing nothing, because all you are using it for is squeezing juice out of a pouch.
Not sex related, but I learned it in sex ed. Most males do not have a big depression in their chest. Turns out that the males in my family happened to have a condition known as Pectus Excavatum.
Tricky question, but I think I have a solution:
:!readlink /proc/$PPID/fd/* | grep “$(dirname %)/.$(basename %).sw” | xargs -I{} rm “{}” ; kill -9 $PPID
I had the good fortune of meeting a couple of board game nerds before getting into the hobby myself. They had a seperate insurance policy specifically for their games.
I want to see the ensuing trademark lawsuit from the owners of
“The United States is not in the business of interfering in other people’s affairs”
“Since when Sir?”
It’s common enough that my State’s toll provider has had a banner on their front page about it for months
If you want to file a complaint, the Internet crime control center is asking for information on these scams specifically