I see. That makes total sense. Thank you for the information!
I see. That makes total sense. Thank you for the information!
I guess both? Platform recommendations like yours will help point me in the right direction to figure out the admin part bit by bit. Much appreciated
I just moved north to Minnesota and the cold winters have somehow kept malls alive. Nowhere near the mall culture of previous decades but maybe worth a trip North sometime, if you miss it
This reminds me of my experience with COVID lockdown. Obviously, a pandemic and the vulnerable being sick and losing over a million American lives (and much more globally) was horrible. But for a short time, it was incredible to see the amount of people just visiting parks in the middle of the day and enjoying the warm spring that year. Getting outside to nature was a way a lot of people coped with the isolation and it was beautiful in a way. Moms and grandmas were sewing cloth masks, distilleries switched to making hand sanitizer, people in my area began using local businesses more. There was a definite sense of community, even if it happened through FaceTime calls and social distancing. There are always silver linings to tragedy, I guess.
My only issue with it is that on my iphone, the app constantly freezes and says I have 3 photos left to upload. It’s almost certain to freeze for a few minutes and the upload becomes stalled as well. This behavior made it take a long time to backup my library and it makes it a pain in the ass to share photos quickly with people. Popping into the webUI has none of these issues (just no uploading of my photos). I still quite love the app
Society tried that for a bit. It was called Facebook and most people just found ways to be jerks on there too!
Not to give them ideas but couldn’t he just fund his own fake Wikipedia clone? X-cylipedia or some shit? Claim it’s the truth and it’s very existence becomes a PR trap for the media who will cover it like hotcakes for free
Google tf2 classic and be amazed. What you speak of has existed for years
Look into TF2 Classic. It’s essentially ~2011 tf2 with just a few different items and game modes. No stupid hats, manageable and balanced weapons. I love it! Been playing for years now with no bot issues. I believe it will be added to the official steam store sometime soon
Maybe if they can connect you to your other usage but it’s probably more of their resources and such a small % of the population that it isn’t worth the time to subvert? Idk just guessing here
Kindof feel bad for the voice actors that they get no credit that’s legible on the poster.
Set up pi-hole on my network and I’m realizing it clashes with my VPN on my desktop and private relay on my Apple devices lol. Progress everywhere else though?
For real, I think he could rise to the task if given a better character arc. He has moments of gold when the screenwriters let it happen but I think they probably wrote his character into a hole. End of falcon and the winter soldier involves him giving a speech during his final battle? Who wants that? Define the character with actions, not words, people! I think the Marvel team has a huge uphill battle because almost every new character has the same issues.
When I was a child I loved bionicles and worked all summer to raise $60 for this double set of dragon looking things. Better yet, you could combine them and make a hybrid monster. Somewhere in that process of creating the hybrid I realized it was too much work disassembling and reassembling and completely gave up.
TIL this was a universal experience lol
The administration seems weak to business interest and with Apple having over a trillion dollar market value…customers being mad at them could actually somehow trickle back to Trump admin? It’s a drop in the ocean, I know. Just trying to look at it optimistically
I felt this hard for two years
One of my favorites! I think people of the time had a hard time disconnecting Tom Hanks the celebrity from the role he is portraying. I’ve put together a black and white version of this movie for myself, which helps me focus on the wonderful framing and cinematography. It’s underrated IMO!
19 years and 11 months anniversary! Close enough