In addition, there are different levels of socialism. “Some” individual ownership turns people off. “The State owns the house I worked so hard to pay off?” You can have full private ownership of your things AND have single-payer health care, top-tier public education, reining in predatory banks, etc. We want to be Norway, not Venezuela.
Never torrent without 1)a VPN, one that 2)gives you a dedicated IP.
A VPN is great for most things, but not quite enough for torrenting.
This is because (everyone please correct me if wrong) torrenting is peer-to-peer which means that someone seeding to you can see your real isp-issued IP address. They can contact your ISP and whine about you.
If some copyright guardian sets up a honeypot, they could get your identity even if you use a VPN.
The solution is to use a VPN that gives out a substitute IP address they own (and therefore keep private) which then redirects traffic to you.
There may be better ones out there but I haven’t bothered looking ever since I signed up with privateinternetaccess and use their “Dedicated IP” setting.