okay tankie.
Just a dude.
okay tankie.
mpv. it plays anything.
+1 for proton!
I’ve been using it for years, they’ve never let me down!
I use AIMP, it does all of these things.
hell, I shower once a week, when I’m not doing manual labor like, say, construction or weightlifting. (which I then shower immediately after.)>
I don’t smell at all by day 6, but my hair gets mildly greasy, so I wash it.
live at 6273ft above sea level, in a “high desert plains”, acccordig to google.
YMMV, obviously.
worth noting that I’ve also been noseblind since birth, and the only feedback I have in my scnents (or lack thereof) has been my family’s noses, and my partner’s nose.
mawwage. mawwage is da weeson we a favored heeer togever, todaaaa.
wuuuv,twuuu wuv.
Be exhausted constantly.
seriously, devote as little energy as possible to caring about shit. it works.
+1 for Palo alto.
quite expensive, but I’ve had nothing but good experiences with their hardware.
only a half litre???
absolutely pathetic. drink tea from a litre bottle, or don’t drink tea at all.