• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I had somewhat hoped that my fellow countrymen in Germany would not fall for the obtuse populism of the right, but that is exactly what has happened.

    Maybe if you (in the generic sense) stop to say that the people who vote for a certain party is (basically) stupid, we all can start to solve problems. The people who voted AfD, like the people who voted for the Right in every other country, are simply saying that they have (or they think to have) a set of problems. Are they real problems ? Maybe, maybe not. But not even acknowledge what these people are saying cannot end in nothing different.

    I’m afraid there’s nothing left to counter this, because voters obviously no longer care about rational arguments and don’t even want to acknowledge the real problems of our time.

    Voters don’t care for rational arguments because the Left throw them out o the window.

    Speaking for Italy, the right wing is in government exactly because the Left wing tried way too hard to lose. If the only thing the Left wing can offer is a multi-gender (whatever it means) leader who dont’ even speak about what the people’s problems are (or, again, what the people perceive as a problem) why someone should vote for them ? Rationally, why I should vote for a person that don’t even talk about what I see as a problem instead of a person that at least talk about it ?

    And I think that in Germany it is the same thing, even if for different reasons.

    They make it easy for themselves and just blame everything on illegal migration or whatever - just as the right-wingers tell them to do.

    Yeah, and the problem is that when the right wing say “the illegal migration is a problem” and people say “the illegal immigration is a problem” the only thing the left wing say is “we need to get more illegal migration”. See how the left wing is basically let the right wing win and on easy mode ?

  • You people really throw logic out the window when you talk about shit like this. You want corporations to make less money? Go fix the fucking tax laws not bitch about average membership fees like a fuckwit.

    The problem is not that YT cannot make money, the problem here is that the options are that you can choose if watching video, with or without ads, for free (well, paying with your data) or pay with money and your data to watch videos with ads.

    I am not saying I have some god-like right to watch videos for free but on the other hand it seems that at YT they are trying as hard as they can to make me install adblocker to be able to use their service with minimun hassle.

    YT, like every other company, is learning that if they don’t care about customers then customers don’t care about them. They are making the false equation “one less user with adblocker == one more user on Premium|without adblocker”, which is obviously false. And they are forgetting that they have a lot of more or less direct competition.

  • True, but this is valid for every company.
    Let’s say that since the company is Swiss based and, AFAIK, not quoted maybe they are not driven by the “the next quarter is all that matters” mentality of many quoted (US) companies.
    There is a smaller chance that they will do something stupid to monetize more just to be ok next quarter (while risking to lose everything the next one) and will be there as long as they provide a value to the customer for the paid price.