• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023

  • Hadn’t actually noticed it was Mac first before you mentioned it, but no, if it works for Mac, then it likely also works for Linux (and that’s what counts, right?).

    Contrary to my previous statement, I’ve actually tried downloading Zed. The first thing I noticed was the “sign in” in the top right corner. Feels rather unsightly, but no biggie. It appears to redirect to GitHub authorization, after which it fails with a “OAuthCallback”-error. Might be my fault, can’t remember if I’ve disabled or limited unnecessary functionality in GitHub.

    The design feels slick and most options are hidden away or represented by only a small icon with tooltips. It appears that no advanced settings page exists, as nearly everything is handled in JSON (initially thought that a visual settings page must have been hidden away deep down somewhere, but that appears to be wrong).

    Coop programming seems to be a big feature, but I’ll skip that as it appears to need setup.

    Also, the LLM part is not nearly as prominent as their front page makes it out to be, rather feels like an option than a prominent or forced feature, so that’s really nice.

    The included extensions (nice to have them as they’re no given) appear to focus on themes and syntax, can’t find any cross-development nor compilation related extensions which is just fine. Compilation is best handled in the terminal anyway.

    Overall it feels pretty solid, definitely different from the first impressions of their page. Might be even better with more diverse extensions, though, I haven’t looked at the internet for unlisted extensions, and I’m not sure how old the project is (the extensions might just not be made yet).

    There’s also no pop-ups, start pages with all kinds of featured content, nor settings or buttons that grab your attention away from your work (except the login button, perhaps. I would like to see what it looks like once logged in).

    I’m probably missing most features as my GitHub integration fails, but I’m overall positively surprised.

  • Huh? That’s quite interesting.

    I’ve been running a hacked-together script which uses a disembodied copy of Proton 8 (aka. copied to a portable drive, doesn’t need to have Steam installed to run) to launch my games from Itch and GoG.

    Hmm, just tried to use Proton 9.0-2 and the current experimental in my steamapps (which appears to be version 9.0-202), and it works just fine. Though, I guess Lutris’ implementations are quite a bit more advanced than my hacks (no debugging let’s goooo).

    A very simplified version of my script, for those who might be interested: pastebin.com/kbNNvzAx. Don’t forget to uncomment game_exe and set it to your executable - won’t work otherwise.

    Also, pinging @DacoTaco@lemmy.world in case of interest.

  • I guess you could also ask: “Does the pro-tier give one any options/additional functionality that the non-pro/non-donation tier doesn’t?”

    Obviously, if you have to pay for additional functionality (like settings/themes/updates) then it isn’t a simple ask for donation. Though, I’d argue to ignore trivialities such as “thank you”-emails and possibly a small visual-only token on the program that you paid/donated, as those barely count as “functionality”.

  • Ekky@sopuli.xyztoTechnology@lemmy.worldparts in a Renewable Energy system
    11 days ago

    ~~“Batteries” is a rather broad category.

    Are we talking hydroelectric batteries? Other potential or kinetic batteries? Chemical batteries (and what subcategory)? Or maybe hydrogen-based power storages?

    Since there’s a dam on the list, I’d imagine “batteries” to be electrolytic power stores or hydrogen fuel cells, but the visualization remains lazy and perhaps borderline misinformative (depending on how nit-picky you are).

    EDIT: The illustration might also use a simplified definition of a battery (to store, excluding conversion between kinds of power) instead of the different battery technologies which exist or the full definition, which could have one argue that batteries aren’t renewable by definition.

    Though, that might be reading too much into it.~~

    Actually, never mind, I’m probably too tired to go out on an adventure about the technicalities of the definition of “battery” to make any real amount of sense and not fall into edge cases.

    I also misread “energy source” as “renewable”…

  • Oh no, it’s very difficult, especially on the scale of LLMs.

    That said, we others (those of us who have any amount of respect towards ourselves, our craft, and our fellow human) have been sourcing our data carefully since way before NNs, such as asking the relevant authority for it (ex. asking the post house for images of handwritten destinations).

    Is this slow and cumbersome? Oh yes. But it delays the need for over-restrictive laws, just like with RC crafts before drones. And by extension, it allows those who could not source the material they needed through conventional means, or those small new startups with no idea what they were doing, to skim the gray border and still get a small and hopefully usable dataset.

    And now, someone had the grand idea to not only scour and scavenge the whole internet with no abandon, but also boast about it. So now everyone gets punished.

    At last: don’t get me wrong, laws are good (duh), but less restrictive or incomplete laws can be nice as long as everyone respects each other. I’m excited to see what the future brings in this regard, but I hate the idea that those who facilitated this change likely are the only ones to go free.

  • Ekky@sopuli.xyztoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlwhy isn't it ok? why????
    1 month ago

    Huh, I’m not sure they are comparable.

    Didn’t USB A and USB B use a master-slave relationship in which the male would (generally) always be the slave, whereas USB C uses agreement and discussion to decide the master and slave roles regardless of connector gender.

    Please do correct me if I’m wrong. Also, do we say “agent” now instead of “slave”, or what is the new term?

  • Ekky@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlcouldn't be me
    2 months ago

    I’ve heard of people who have complained about trans people showing up in their dating feed, mixed in with the cis population, being labelled as “transphobes” and harassed, but good to know that we’ve overcome that.

  • To expand a little:

    While it indeed is annoying, it did mostly go as expected, as in, law makers must always be ready for companies responding to new and more restrictive laws with malicious compliance.

    The vast majority of websites don’t actually follow the rules for cookie banners or implement them in as roundabout a way as possible, making them needlessly annoying as it should always be easier and at least as fast to decline than to accept.

    While this all sounds like cookie banners ultimately are a failure because of the misimplementations that companies provided in response, it does function as an eye opener for the common man and stepping stone for the EU for further laws and fines in regard to citizens’ rights to privacy.

  • Ekky@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlgo get your eyes checked
    5 months ago

    I think its a bit of both.

    Personally, I apparently focus (that’s what it’s called, right? Non native speaker here) slightly behind infinity, so I’ll have to put a slight amount of effort into seeing clouds clearly. I can also focus on close objects, but if I read a book for about 5-60 minutes without my glasses I’ll suffer a splitting headache, depending on how much time I’ve used inside recently.

    I’ve found that I can do office work just fine using glasses, but after a few months I’ll need to get stronger glasses as my eyes become worse. This resets if I spend a few days outside avoiding computers, books, and my glasses entirely.

    I can usually watch TV just fine without glasses, but if I’ve been doing office work or just been mostly inside for about 2-3 months I’ll need my computer glasses (tuned to focus at around 50-100cm) to watch the TV (located about 3 meters away). At this point, I usually also have to use my reading glasses for the computer, and I’ve got a special pair of glasses that I can use for reading in that specific case. I even start having problems driving longer routes.

    In other words, I have really rather (I can still most tasks, just with a headache) bad eyesight during winter and spring, but usually have much better eyesight and barely need glasses during summer and fall.

  • I’m pretty sure it’s more like

    Junior dev: Got all the nice addons, RGB lighting, only uses dark theme, got all the stickers, works from either a café or moms basement.

    VS Senior dev: Works on company standard issue hardware, barely customizes visuals (but got a script which makes a cup of coffee on the shared machine in exactly 2 minutes and 30 seconds), works in shared office, has old rolling cabinet with unknown artifacts last touched 10+ years ago.

    Obviously this is an overgeneralization and not a catch-all, you might even say that it’s “programmer humor”.

  • Back in high school I tried using my first android smartphone for studies and notes when my laptop had broken down. I connected a (wired) keyboard and mouse, but it got tedious really quick. I guess one can theoretically work off only a phone, but even simple tasks take considerately longer to perform. The only real positive thing was the small carry size and the addition of a touch screen.

    Having learned nothing from the first attempt, I later brought only a phone to surveying field work as newly graduated UAS robotics engineer (needing it for route planning, weather stats, auxiliary vehicle integrations, data transfers, etc.), and, well, it could do everything I asked it to do, but it would again have been significantly faster with a proper mobile workstation. Since this was with a phone without USB-C (so no PD hubs) the additional power drain also meant that the phone barely lasted throughout the day, even if I connected it to a power bank every time I did not need it. It also kept overheating in the mid spring sun. I knew that smartphones are bad at heat management, but I hadn’t expected it to be that bad.

    At last, I’ve recently had half a year where I’ve used only my phone and a Steam Deck for all my computer related tasks (between jobs, rig was in storage). The SD allowed me to do everything from gaming to light dev work, and the phone was enough for all communication (bank, contacts, E-Mail, etc.) and social network requirements. I guess I could live that lifestyle again for a limited time, but having back my rig is just so much more comfortable, especially for heavier dev tasks.

    TL:DR: One can definitely live with only a phone, especially if the lifestyle is less technically inclined, and even a techie can ultimately do most tasks on a phone, but while a properly configured phone can do most tech tasks it’s just so much faster to have proper computer at hand.