I’m just a guy, my dudes.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • drphungky@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldAny ideas?
    16 days ago

    What’s crazy is “Fred” used to mean the exact, literal opposite. It’s the only word I know of that has come to mean the full opposite of what it meant (except maybe “literally”, but that’s usually used for emphasis)

    Fred used to mean the dude who showed up in jeanshorts on a huffy, who everyone was like “are you sure you want to join the group ride?”, and then he ends up pulling the pack the whole way. Somewhere along the line it ended up meaning dentist, which is the slow dude who buys all the expensive gear. I literally don’t understand it.

  • Yeah I didn’t realize votes were essentially public already. This will 100% change my voting patterns. The problem is, I’m an idealist who still follows old school reddit voting guidelines of “this adds to the conversation” or not…so I upvote stuff I don’t agree with as long as it is well thought out, well said, or at least civil and trying to have a good conversation. When I remember to, I also tend to downvote vitriolic nonsense or pithy nothing comments even if I agree with the values, because I don’t think it helps anyone to have annoying angry echo chambers. That’s like…the entire Internet right now, and Lemmy is already bad enough with that. It doesn’t need to get worse by making sure everyone is voting in lockstep lest they get brigaded (which there are no inherent protections against).

  • IKEA and home depot both have loading zones typically where after you’re done shopping you can go get your truck, bring it to the front, load up, then be on your way. Costco and Best Buy will let you do it too for big TVs or furniture, and I’m sure other places don’t care either. I’ve definitely parked in the fire lane in front of a Harbor Freight to load up a super heavy hydraulic press and no one cares.

  • I’ve done that too back when I lived in the city, with the bed boxes all the way up into the front of the car, interfering with my stick shift if I hit a bump or slammed on the brakes, and just generally being unsafe. My point isn’t that it’s impossible to buy things at IKEA without a giant truck, my point is if you own a giant truck, for work or because you DIY constantly or own a boat or RV…this is literally the exact situation it’s built for. You CAN handle the situation other ways, but why would you if you already own a truck?

    I hate giant fuck off oversized trucks as much as the next guy, and if this was sitting in someone’s driveway as their only car, with nothing to haul, a clean bed, and you only see them take it to the grocery store… Then yeah let’s all shit on them together. But everyone is so carried away with hate they’re dunking on a guy doing one of the best use cases for this truck and actually being polite about it!

  • Not that everyone doesn’t do it (I definitely have on my Subaru Outback), but cars typically have really low weight allowances on top since they’re usually not designed for hauling on the roof. Even my Outback, a car that comes with a rack and all kinds of accoutrements for it, has a 150 pound limit. So you really don’t wanna put much IKEA furniture out there to risk damaging your roof, especially if you hit a bump. Also, damaging your roof or the frame can sometimes total your car, because it is a main safety feature for accidents in which you roll over.

  • Every time I read this take I am a little surprised it’s so prevalent. I guess I just go to the hardware store or IKEA or get free furniture on the side of the road more than nearly everyone else on the Internet. I would LOVE a truck, since my Subaru often isn’t big enough for what I need/want to do. Now granted, I want a small truck with a full size bed that can fit a sheet of plywood, not a giant hauler for a boat or RV*, and certainly not an inexplicable 4-door truck for hauling people with a 6-ft bed like you mention, but it’s still wild to me that there aren’t more heavy DIYers or even new home owners like me on Lemmy. Maybe I’m on the wrong instance.

    *Technically we could probably get away with a truck like that since my wife needs to haul giant boat trailers for work, but they provide a rental. We’d probably make more money with a reimbursement using our own, but I don’t have space to store a giant F350 or whatever because we DO have a giant RV, but not a tow behind because I don’t like them.

  • YAML might be more readable than JSON, but it’s absolutely not easier to work with, either to write from scratch or troubleshoot. And honestly, for my purposes that doesn’t even make it easier to read. It’s easier to read if I’m showing it to my wife because there are fewer semicolons. As soon as you want to do anything with the information you’ve read, it’s garbage. YAML sucks, and I’ll just link to a much better rant than I can ever come up with: https://ruudvanasseldonk.com/2023/01/11/the-yaml-document-from-hell

    Second off, if you’d been using Zwave in Home Assistant for many years, you’d know they’ve changed their integration (no wait! It’s an add-on now! No wait, it’s also an integration still too!) multiple times, including breaking changes. That’s what I’m talking about. Of course I know Zwave is a protocol - it’s a protocol that Hubitat supports better. They also support Zigbee better (yes I use both). Admittedly part of that is built in hardware, but also it’s a better UI, a consistent UI, and not just… changing how things work so old hardware doesn’t work anymore.

    I dunno man, we can disagree on HA’s choices but maybe make sure you even know what you’re talking about before being a dick for no reason. Then again, you opened with being a dick about me being the problem because I “can’t grasp YAML” when I said I don’t like it so I don’t even know why I’m engaging. Just piss off.

  • drphungky@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldThe little smart home platform that could
    5 months ago

    I’d argue it’s a bear and I still use it. YAML is just fucking awful and I’m glad they’ve been hiding it more and more over the years but it’s still there. Zwave is still wildly confusing compared to something like a Hubitat which is just plug and play (guess who has to just rebuild his Zwave stuff from scratch). It’s also insanely organized where add ons are different than integrations, and are hidden in different menus, as are system functions and just… It’s a mess from UX POV. It’s also a nightmare to try to interact with the codebase or documentation or even ask questions, much less make a suggestion. As an aside to address the point of the article, I have absolutely zero worry that they will ever forget about power users, because I, and many other power users who have interacted with Paulus on boards before agree he is kind of an asshole who absolutely does not understand why anyone would want to do anything different than how he imagines it - including documentation or UX or whatever. Home Assistant is totally safe for power users.

    Now of course I’m not trying to say it’s bad, just that it is kind of a bear even for the tech savvy. You can’t beat HA for being able to interface with absolutely anything. There’s almost always already an integration written. It can do anything, and if you’re persistent enough you can kludge together a solution that works in exactly the way you need. You might even be able to hide all the kludge from your spouse. It’s also all free, because Paulus and a hundred other devs contribute their time for free and they’re amazing for it. Absolutely awesome for power users. But being simple or easy just isn’t one of its many, many pros.

  • I fell backwards into programming and did it for years before ever needing or encountering a mod operator. It never really came up in statistical programming (SAS) and since I wasn’t a CS major I don’t think I even learned about it until taking online programming classes for fun. But I know I was a pretty damn good SAS programmer. I never had any issues solving any problems in my field programmatically, but I took a few leet code tests and was completely puzzled before taking said CS classes. The algorithms and common problems just never remotely came up. I never found fizzbuzz particularly relevant in statistics and data CRUD.

    Now maybe since SAS is procedural and not OO you’d say it doesn’t have typical “programming language features”, but I could easily see that experience being common in all kinda of business side programming like R, VBA, maybe JavaScript or Python, etc.

    …but anyway obviously I’m not saying its not a good thing for a dev shop to interview on, and if they want someone classically trained then it’s probably a perfect question. My quibble is just that you might need to widen your definition of who programs.