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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I would disagree. Bluesky has no algorithm and it’s growing quite rapidly. And I think that a large part of that is just having the people there that one might want to follow, and fosters community and conversation. A place like Threads absolutely does not do that. Mastodon is just an impenetrable mess from a UX perspective. The average user doesn’t care about federation and needs a solid and understandable entry point. Bluesky is federated but 90% of the people there have no idea what that means.

    but trying to sidestep it completely like Mastodon is is just going to result in a network that never hits the critical mass necessary to start exponential growth

    If keeping algo-gaming engagement bait off the platform is a price a platform has to pay, then I’m happily willing to accept that.

  • Its the absolute lack of algorithm

    “It’s the absolute lack of a way to game the system with engagement bait and reward rage-posting”

    Fixed that for you.

    It’s not a matter for average users, it’s a matter for the people who farm engagement and post 300 times per day. Having a space that isn’t dominated by accounts like that is a good thing. It’s why Threads is such a miserable place. The algo there is aggressive and heavily rewards this kind of shit. Accounts like that provide no value and create toxic spaces full of rage and misinformation just to keep the waters churning and keep a constant flow of vapid “content”. It’s gross, and we are so much the better if we lose a ton of them.

  • It seems ostensibly like it would be as easy as having an understanding enough of e.g. distilling, so that if you try to distill your own spirits, you know to discard the head and tail to avoid methanol poisoning. But this is so much more complex than that.

    I think what it feels like is something akin to being trans and not having access to HRT, so you get hormones on the black market vs. trying to synthesize the hormones yourself from raw materials. I would support the former (though with a lot of research and making sure you’re getting reputable supplies), but think the latter incredibly fraught for a layperson.

    I think the real answer isn’t DIY pharmaceuticals, but rather universal healthcare, informed consent, and a medical system (both physicians and pharmaceutical manufacturers) that puts patient care above any kind of profit motive

  • All the people here saying “well of course because they weren’t trained on AAVE”:


    It’s the same reason facial recognition and voice recognition software have a difficult time with anyone who isn’t white or a speaker of perfect, uninflected standard english. The bias is created by the developers, conscious or not, because they only train it on what’s in their own bubble. If you don’t have diverse teams behind the development and training, you will create this bias, whether you want to or not. This is well known.

  • This is just post-hoc justification, coupled with “PC culture is censorship” type of bullshit.

    although the word “gimp” can be used offensively in some cultures, that is not our intent

    Intent is irrelevant. In this case, if you didn’t mean to offend, then you apologize and then change the fucking name. You don’t get to say “sorry you were offended, but I don’t care” and still expect people to take you seriously. Change “gimp” in that sentence to any other slur and try to make that same kind of justification.

    I does not matter if the name was

    • based on a Pulp Fiction character because the devs thought it was funny
    • was a genuine reference to kink culture
    • an abelist slur

    Who tf thinks a piece of software should be named after any of that? It’s 1) offensive 2) wildly unprofessional and 3) a massive barrier to adoption.

    The devs have the mentality of “edgy” 14 yo teen boys, have refused to ever grow the fuck up, and just throw tantrums whenever anyone tries to have a rational conversation with them about it

  • Meta, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon all need to be broken up into a thousand different companies, same as we did with AT&T.

    And unlike with AT&T, after divestiture there needs to be an order in place that perpetually prevents the divested companies from ever merging or buying each other up. At this point AT&T has almost completely re-formed from the companies it was broken into, and that should never have been allowed.

    And for fucks sake we need to make the fine for white collar crime that extends state lines to necessitate the forfeiture of the entire C-suite’s and board of directors assets, both domestically and internationally, upon threat of seal team 6. Empty their bank accounts and leave them with nothing

    Absolutely this. We need to abolish corporate personhood, and hold company leadership directly responsible for the company’s behavior. Since it is the people who are doing these things. The “company” isn’t some autonomous entity that has a will of its own. People drive it, and those people should be held accountable.

  • while websites just repeating the search phrase over and over with no answer in sight are at the top

    A decade or so ago, this was a really bad problem, especially with sites like Experts Exchange et al. Content farms just grabbing your query and puking back to you. Or, sites that would take a thread on one forum, and then replicate it across 10 other sites as though they’re different forums, but it’s the exact same posts. But it’s gotten so, so, so much worse in the last year or so. Google searches these days are like wading through a septic tank trying to find a microgram of gold.

  • SEO disgusts me

    Gods yes. It basically steamrolls everything and you end up with two situations: people who knowingly game the algorithm for malicious intent and pollute search engines and media platforms, or you have people who are earnestly playing to the algorithm to help their “content” get noticed because that’s the only way it will get noticed. It creates this homogeneous landscape where everything looks the same, everyone’s doing and posting the same things, everyone is chasing trends and virality, and no one is doing anything interesting or creative anymore because novel ideas that aren’t SEO’d to death don’t get noticed.

    So what we end up with is our current situation: a toxic landscape of “influencers”, “content creators”, content farms, ad farms, bots, etc. polluting everything, and people with genuine passion and interesting ideas getting buried under a sea of engagement bait, rage-bait, and disguised ads.

  • I absolutely agree we need this. But the problem stated in the article

    The complex web of human interactions that thrived on the internet’s initial technological diversity is now corralled into globe-spanning data-extraction engines making huge fortunes for a tiny few.

    is the crux of it all, and without violence or extreme governmental measures forcibly breaking up big tech companies, the banning of selling personal data, etc. (all of which would also require violence because our government absolutely will not do these things) this simply isn’t going to be fixed. Politely asking billionaires to give up their captive revenue streams, and the power they wield with their platforms, will never produce results. And “well, what if we all just delete Instagram/Facebook/et al?” isn’t an answer either. “Content creators” are tied to these platforms for their own revenue streams and livelihoods, and they’re not going to give that up either. And for the most part, a large part of the population simply does not care enough.

    The rise of smartphones in the late 2000’s really heralded the beginning of this downfall. There are walled gardens to be found all up and down the pipeline: the phone OEM, the OS devs, the apps and their platforms, the app stores, the service providers, etc. And you now have a device in your pocket that has always on internet connection either through wifi or cellular, a GPS radio, accelerometers, cameras, microphones, NFC, bluetooth, and all of these way to track literally everything about your life: everywhere you go, every app you use, every website you visit, listen to everything you say, and watch everything you do. And because it’s all so convenient, we willingly allowed ourselves to accept this unprecedented level of invasiveness and control.

    The people who have that kind of power will not give it up willingly. And our government is too invested and has its fingers too far into all of it to do anything about it. I truly do not believe we’ll see something come along the way FB killed MySpace. Nothing is going to do that to Meta now. They’re too big and have too much power. There’s no market solution. There’s no regulatory will.

    Nothing short of violence would ever be able to fix this. And I don’t see any kind of critical mass on the part of average folk to rise up against big tech to fight back, no matter how much information you show them, or how much you explain the dire need.

  • “Question every narrative, but don’t question these things. Don’t show bias, but here are your biases.” These chuds don’t even hear themselves. They just want to see Arya(n) ramble on about great replacement theory or trans women in bathrooms. They don’t think their bile is hate speech because they think they’re on the side of “facts” and everyone else is an idiot who refuses to see reality. It’s giving strong “I’m not a bigot, “<” minority “>” really is like that. It’s science” vibes.

  • For far too long, there’s been this idea in tech spaces that a person, regardless of how shitty they are, is automatically deserving of adulation because they’re some “10x” developer. That soft skills, and wider understanding of the landscape, are completely unnecessary. They think it’s “meritocracy” where all that matters is the code you deliver, and you can be the shittiest person on the planet otherwise. It’s created so much toxicity, so much hostility, and driven so many people away. And it’s so much more apparent in OSS spaces where pull requests seem to be the only currency people have to wield.

    Those kinds of attitudes completely pushed me away from participating is nearly all Linux/OSS communities. I used to be really active on a number of forums and in irc. But that kind of shit became so overbearing it just wasn’t worth it anymore. Not to mention the fact that it felt like 75% of the people there were also 4channers and well on their way down the alt-right rabbit hole.