• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • We’re growing the Mozilla Ads product team, passionate about display advertising in Mozilla products that is privacy-respecting and values-aligned. You will be one of the lead engineers that will craft, build, and be responsible for the core systems, both front-end and back-end, that support advertising in clients (Firefox, MDN, Pocket, Fakespot, etc). You and your team will be the domain guides when it comes to advertising, providing direction and shepherding to various product teams across Mozilla.

    Ofc some reading between the lines is needed, they’re not going to just blatantly say something they know will be incredibly unpopular this early.

    And like I said, its just another on a pile of mounting evidence of a year of bad decisions

  • Not in the browser. From web pages sure, but it sure as hell sounds like they’re going to shove ads in the browser like MS has been testing in the start menu. Once that starts who knows, maybe they’ll have their own little Chrome manifest v3 rollout that breaks adblocking for webpages too.

    Based on this and the past year of “mistakes” it’s sure looking more and more like they’re trying to push ahead on the enshittification path.

    If they’re so desperate to find other sources of income why does the Mozilla CEO not take a pay cut out of that 10 million/year

  • We’re going to explore doing so in an organic method across our products using the methodology that big tech is generating money, but with a Mozilla spin.

    Hm yes, the “we’re built different so we won’t be affected by enshittification” option

    that support advertising in clients (Firefox, MDN, Pocket, Fakespot, etc)

    Ah, the “Mozilla Spin” is to put fucking ads in Firefox, got it.

  • Gaming is one thing, a lot is GPU bound anyways, probably the same with “physical modeling”

    But you cannot tell me your “data processing” would not be greatly sped up by using a newer proc (assuming it’s not also GPU bound). Does it work, sure, but if it takes you 2 hours for it to process now but <30 minutes on something newer that’s just a waste of time, resources and money. It’s incredibly inefficient.

    On the flip side, if all your work is GPU bound no wonder a 3rd gen proc from 2012 is keeping up lol

  • The R5 2600 is not only newer than my old i5 and faster, it also has a LOT more threads (12 vs 4) and an extra 2 full cores

    Making it excellent for the multi threaded workloads (VMs) and leaving room for non-multithreaded optimized workloads

    I have an RTSP client program running all the time displaying a handful of camera feeds. It had a ~45-55% average CPU usage even with GPU decoding/encoding enabled on it.

    That same piece of software on my much newer 7600 changing absolutely nothing else software wise (I just dropped in the SSD from my old build) that same software barely cracks 5%

    iCUE (for Corsair RGB control (yes I know there’s open source versions I just never got around to it lol)) had a similar story with ~30-40% before and barely 4% now

  • It works well…when a parent makes an account for the express purpose of parental controls. The “issue” are the fake accounts (i.e. “finstas”) that the kids make themselves in which they lie about their age.

    Also, side note, Googles child accounts work OK, I would not say they’ve got it on lock. Did you know if you get your kids a debit card and they’re under 13 Google will NOT allow them to add it as their own payment method no matter what consent I’m willing to give to them?

    Yea, I had to do a parent sanctioned age-lie to Google so now Google thinks my kids are all 13+ just so I could do the extreme thing of teaching them money responsibilities in an age of digital transactions SMDH

    Because they won’t need to figure stuff out on their own to the same degree.

    Lol they will the second they get hit with that “you need to get parental consent” screen, that’s how it happened to us all.